
Thanks for the continued help. I had to put the recovery on hiatus
while I waited for new hard drives to be delivered. I never was able
to figure out how to replace the failed drive, but I did learn a lot
about how Btrfs works. The approach to doing practically all
operations with file system mounted specially was quite a surprise.

In the end, I created a Btrfs RAID5 file system with the newly
delivered drives on another system and used rsync to copy from the
degraded array. There was a little file system damage that showed up
as "csum failed" errors in the logs from the IO that was in progress
when the original failure occurred. Fortunately, it was all data that
could be recovered from other systems, and there wasn't any need to
troubleshoot the errors.


On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Chris Murphy <> wrote:
> On May 28, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Justin Brown <> wrote:
>> Chris,
>> Thanks for the tip. I was able to mount the drive as degraded and
>> recovery. Then, I deleted the faulty drive, leaving me with the
>> following array:
>> Label: media  uuid: 7b7afc82-f77c-44c0-b315-669ebd82f0c5
>> Total devices 6 FS bytes used 2.40TiB
>> devid    1 size 931.51GiB used 919.88GiB path
>> /dev/mapper/SAMSUNG_HD103SI_499431FS734755p1
>> devid    2 size 931.51GiB used 919.38GiB path /dev/dm-8
>> devid    3 size 1.82TiB used 1.19TiB path /dev/dm-6
>> devid    4 size 931.51GiB used 919.88GiB path /dev/dm-5
>> devid    5 size 0.00 used 918.38GiB path /dev/dm-11
>> devid    6 size 1.82TiB used 3.88GiB path /dev/dm-9
>> /dev/dm-11 is the failed drive. I take it that size 0 is a good sign.
>> I'm not really sure where to go from here. I tried rebooting the
>> system with the failed drive attached, and Btrfs re-adds it to the
>> array. Should I physically remove the drive now? Is a balance
>> recommended?
> I'm going to guess at what I think has happened. You had a 5 device raid10. 
> devid 5 is the failed device, but at the time you added new device devid 6, 
> it was not considered failed by btrfs. Your first btrfs fi show does not show 
> size 0 for devid 5. So I think btrfs made you a 6 device raid10 volume.
> But now devid 5 has failed, shows up as size 0. The reason you have to mount 
> degraded still is because you have a 6 device raid10 now, and 1 device has 
> failed. And you can't remove the failed device because you've mounted 
> degraded. So actually it was a mistake to add a new device first, but it's an 
> easy mistake to make because right now btrfs really tolerates a lot of error 
> conditions that it probably should give up on and outright fail the device.
> So I think you might have to get a 7th device to fix this with btrfs replace 
> start. You can later delete devices once you're not mounted degraded. Or you 
> can just do a backup now while you can mount degraded, and then blow away the 
> btrfs volume and start over.
> If you have a current backups and are willing to lose data on this volume, 
> you can try the following
> 1. Poweroff, remove the failed drive, boot, and do a normal mount. That 
> probably won't work but it's worth a shot. If it doesn't work try mount -o 
> degraded. [That might not work either, in which case stop here, I think 
> you'll need to go with a 7th device and use 'btrfs replace start 5 
> /dev/newdevice7 /mp' That will explicitly replace failed device 5 with new 
> device.]
> 2. Assuming mount -o degraded works, take a btrfs fi show. There should be a 
> missing device listed. Now try btrfs device delete missing /mp and see what 
> happens. If it at least doesn't complain, it means it's working and might 
> take hours to replicate data that was on the missing device onto the new one. 
> So I'd leave it alone until iotop or something like that tells you it's not 
> busy anymore.
> 3. Unmount the file system. Try to mount normally (not degraded).
> Chris Murphy
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