> I somehow have doubts that a complex filesystem is the right project for
> me to start learning C, so I'll have to pass :-) No huge corporation
> with that itch behind me either, and I guess it will be more than a few
> hours for a btrfs programmer so no way I could sponsor that on my own.

Whether or not it is the right project really depends on where you
intend to do most of your C programming.  If you plan to do most of it
in kernel code and occasional userspace wrappers for kernel interfaces
(like me), then it could be a great place because it's under such heavy
development (which means more developers are working on it, and bugs get
spotted faster, both of which are good things for project you are using
to learn a language).  If, however, you intend to use it mostly for
userspace, then I would definitely agree with you, programming in
userspace and kernel-space are so different that it's almost like a
different language using the same syntax and similar semantics.

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