Mark Fasheh posted on Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:00:55 -0700 as excerpted:

> Given something like that, you'd just replace the calls to sleep with
> 'btrfs fi synctheworldandwait' and know that on return, the actions you
> just queued up completed.

I'll admit to not really knowing what I'm talking about here, but on 
first intuition, What about either btrfs filesystem sync calls, or 
mounting with the synctime (don't have time to look up the specific 
option ATM) mount option?  Normal sync is 30 seconds, but the mount 
option can be used to make that 5 seconds or whatever.  And I don't know 
whether btrfs filesystem sync is synchronous or not.

But that might help reduce it below 30 and 45 seconds, anyway, even if 
some sleep is still required.

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