On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:40:14AM +0000, philippe.simo...@swisscom.com wrote:
> I have a problem using btrfs/nfs to store my vmware images.
> - vmware is basing its NFS files locks on the nfs fileid field returned from 
> a NFS GETATTR request for the file being locked
> http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1007909
>    vmware assumes that these nfs fileid are unique per storage.
> - it seemed that these nfs fileid are only unique 'per-subvolume', but 
> because my nfs export contains many subvolumes,
> the nfs export has then my files (in different subvolume) with the same nfs 
> fileid.
> - no problem when I start all machine alone, but when 2 machines are running 
> at the same time, vmware seems to mix its reference to lock file and 
> sometimes kills one vm.
>       in esx server, following messages :     /var/log/vmkwarning.log : 
>       2014-07-17T06:31:46.854Z cpu2:268913)WARNING: NFSLock: 1315: Inode 
> (Dup: 260 Orig: 260) has been recycled by server, freeing lock info for 
> .lck-0401000000000000
>       2014-07-17T06:34:47.925Z cpu2:114740)WARNING: NFSLock: 2348: Unable to 
> remove lockfile .invalid, not found
>       2014-07-17T10:18:50.320Z cpu0:32824)WARNING: NFSLock: 2348: Unable to 
> remove lockfile .invalid, not found
>       and in machine log : 
>               Message from sncubeesx02: The lock protecting vm-w7-sysp.vmdk 
> has been lost, 
>               possibly due to underlying storage issues. If this virtual 
> machine is configured to be highly 
>               available, ensure that the virtual machine is running on some 
> other host before clicking OK. 
> - vmware try to make its own file locking for flowing file type : 
> http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=10051
>       VMNAME.vswp 
>       DISKNAME-flat.vmdk 
>       DISKNAME-ITERATION-delta.vmdk 
>       VMNAME.vmx 
>       VMNAME.vmxf 
>       vmware.log
> Is there a way to deal with this problem ? is that a bug ? 

   Add an arbitrary and unique "fsid=0x12345" value to the exports
declaration. For example, my server exports a number of subvolumes
from the same FS with:

/srv/nfs/nadja    -rw,async,fsid=0x1729,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash \
/srv/nfs/home     -rw,async,fsid=0x1730,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash \
/srv/nfs/video    -ro,async,fsid=0x1731,no_subtree_check \


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
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