On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 01:34:04PM -0700, ronnie sahlberg wrote:
> I started working on a test tool for SCSI initiators and filesystem folks.
> It is a iSCSI target that implements a bad flaky disks where you
> can set precise controls of how/what is broken which you can use to test
> error and recovery paths in the initiator/filesystem.
> The tool is available at :
> https://github.com/rsahlberg/flaky-stgt.git
> and is a modified version of the TGTD iscsi target.

Looks interesting and more flexible than dm-flakey. I like the
possibility to inject all sorts of low-level scsi errors.

> Right now it is just an initial prototype and it needs more work to
> add more types of errors as well as making it more userfriendly.

It would be good to add a way to simulate silent data corruption,
both random or for given block offset, reads and writes.
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