On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 08:12:46AM -0700, Nikolaus Rath wrote:
> I started a scrub of one of my btrfs filesystem and then had to restart
> the system. `systemctl restart` seemed to terminate all processes, but
> then got stuck at the end. The disk activity led was still flashing
> rapidly at that point, so I assume that the active scrub was preventing
> the reboot (is that a bug or a feature?).

   Shouldn't have stopped it.

> In any case, I could not wait for that so I power cycled. But now my
> file system seems to be stuck in a scrub that can neither be completed
> nor cancelled:
> $ sudo btrfs scrub status /home/nikratio/
> scrub status for 8742472d-a9b0-4ab6-b67a-5d21f14f7a38
>         scrub started at Sun Aug 10 18:36:43 2014, running for 1562 seconds
>         total bytes scrubbed: 209.97GiB with 0 errors
> $ date
> Sun Aug 10 22:00:44 PDT 2014
> $ sudo btrfs scrub cancel /home/nikratio/
> ERROR: scrub cancel failed on /home/nikratio/: not running
> $ sudo btrfs scrub start /home/nikratio/
> ERROR: scrub is already running.
> To cancel use 'btrfs scrub cancel /home/nikratio/'.
> To see the status use 'btrfs scrub status [-d] /home/nikratio/'.
> Note that the scrub was started more than 3 hours ago, but claims to
> have been running for only 1562 seconds.

   This is a regrettably common problem -- fortunately with a simple
solution. The userspace scrub monitor died in the reboot, leaving the
status file present. If you delete the status file, which is in
/var/lib/btrfs/, that should allow you to start a new scrub.

> I then figured that maybe I need to run btrfsck. This gave the following
> output:
> checking extents
> checking free space cache
> checking fs roots
> root 5 inode 3149791 errors 400, nbytes wrong
> root 5 inode 3150233 errors 400, nbytes wrong
> root 5 inode 3150238 errors 400, nbytes wrong
> [102 similar lines]
> Checking filesystem on /dev/mapper/vg0-nikratio_crypt
> UUID: 8742472d-a9b0-4ab6-b67a-5d21f14f7a38
> free space inode generation (0) did not match free space cache generation 
> (161262)
> found 216444746042 bytes used err is 1
> total csum bytes: 383160676
> total tree bytes: 875753472
> total fs tree bytes: 284246016
> total extent tree bytes: 69320704
> btree space waste bytes: 205021777
> file data blocks allocated: 3701556121600
>  referenced 388107321344
> Btrfs v3.14.1
> So nothing about the scrub, but apparently some other errors.

   The free space inode generation errors are harmless. The wrong
nbytes is probably not horrifically damaging, but I don't know so much
about that one.

> Can someone tell me:
>  * Should I be able to restart while a scrub is in progress, or is that
>    deliberately prevented by btrfs?

   Restart the machine? Yes.

>  * How can I resume or cancel the scrub?

   It's probably simply not running -- see above.

>  * Is it more risky to leave the above errors uncorrected, or to run
>    btrfsck with --repair?

   I would, I think, leave them.


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
  PGP key: 65E74AC0 from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or http://www.carfax.org.uk
   --- We are all lying in the gutter,  but some of us are looking ---   
                              at the stars.                              

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