On 09/09/2014 05:26 AM, Anand Jain wrote:

first thanks to discuss this with me; below my comments

>> You are talking about a ioctl: why not use (extending them when needed)
>> the sysfs information ?
>  yeah, I understand I am the only person talking about ioctl,
>  and all others recommend sysfs. I understand I am wrong, but
>  just by mass. and I still have no idea why not ioctl ?

Because it is an interface difficult to extend.

>  Problem with sysfs:
>   - Note that sysfs supports only one parameter value with max length
>   u64, to rebuilt entire kernel's fs_uuid list in the user space
>   that would be quite a lot of sysfs files. should that be fine ?
>   Further we would need another traverser tool (python ?) to read
>   all these sysfs files. ? so that we could create fs_uuid list
>   in the user-space.
To me it seems that other fs interface scale well even if the number 
of items is big (think /proc)
>   - we would need all info about the kernel fs_uuid, even when the
>  device is not mounted.
Could you elaborate ? 
We have two kind of objects: filesystems and devices. A filesystem is
created when its first device is registered. When the filesystem
is mounted, further information are available.

Our hypothetical sysfs interface should export information about
filesystem and/or devices until they exist. If a filesystem is
mounted more information are exported. When it is umounted
less are exported.

This would not be different if we use a ioctl() interface.

>   - thinking of nested seed with sysfs is more complicated, as we would
>  have same btrfs_device at multiple fs_devices. still we must represent
>  them in the sysfs.
I am not used to use seed device; so I can't comment.
>   - as of now fs_uuid can grow infinite with just "a" device.
>    ref: [PATCH 1/2] btrfs: device list could grow infinite
This is a btrfs problem. Doesn't make sense to store these information
if there aren't any device. When the last device disappear (is replaced),
the filesystem object should disappear too.
If a sysfs approach point out this problem... to me it seems good ! :-)

>    can't imagine anybody traversing through /sysfs to understand
>    what btrfs-kernel think of devices. user would prefer a cli
>    to know that instead.
sysfs is an interface, that doesn't means that is THE user interface.
Of course a CLI or a GUI will need.

>   - sysfs layout has to be dynamic based on fs_uuids list changes,
>   devices added, removed, mounted replaced etc.. isn't it making
>   more unstable ?

$ find /sys | wc -l
On my PC sysfs has more already than 20 thousands entries, and it is 
a quite simple machine. But this doesn't cause instability.
May be more difficult, but I don't think that sysfs is not capable 
to sustain that.

Already linux export a lot of sysfs files for each device. I.e.

$ find /sys/block/sda/ | wc -l

these are hundreds entries for each disks. So I don't think that btrfs sysfs
interface could cause more problem even if a filesystem has
a lot of disks.

> appreciate your comments
The major problem of an ioctl() interface is that is very difficult 
to extend. Typically when we need to extend it , the current is 
marked as old/deprecated and a new one is generated.
However an ioctl() is an ABI so even the old interface have to be 

One point about I have to agree with you is that a sysfs interface
is not good, is when:
- we need to export huge quantity of data
- we have an high rate of data

But these to me don't seem to apply to a sysfs btrfs interface.

> Anand

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