On Sep 11, 2014, at 11:19 PM, Russell Coker <russ...@coker.com.au> wrote:

> It would be nice if a file system mounted ro counted as ro snapshots for 
> btrfs send.
> When a file system is so messed up it can't be mounted rw it should be 
> regarded as ro for all operations.

Yes it's come up before, and there's a question whether mount -o ro is reliably 
ro enough for this. Maybe a force option?

But then another one is a recursive btrfs send to go along with the above. I 
might want them all, or I might want all of the ones in two particular 
subvolumes, etc. And even combine the recursive ro snapshot and recursive send 
as a btrfs rescue option that would work even if the volume is mounted 

Chris Murphy--
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