On 2014-09-22 16:51, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
Am 20.09.2014 um 11:32 schrieb Duncan:

What I do as part of my regular backup regime, is every few kernel cycles
I wipe the (first level) backup and do a fresh mkfs.btrfs, activating new
optional features as I believe appropriate.  Then I boot to the new
backup and run a bit to test it, then wipe the normal working copy and do
a fresh mkfs.btrfs on it, again with the new optional features enabled
that I want.

Is re-creating btrfs-filesystems *recommended* in any way?

Does that actually make a difference in the fs-structure?

I would recommend it, there are some newer features that you can only set at mkfs time. Quite often, when a new feature is implemented, it is some time before things are such that it can be enabled online, and even then that doesn't convert anything until it is rewritten.
So far I assumed it was enough to keep the kernel up2date, use current
(stable) btrfs-progs and run some scrub every week or so (not to mention
backups .. if it ain't backed up, it was/isn't important).


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