Hi all,

First of all, I am talking about btrfs-progs 3.16.2 if there was any doubt.

I did some more checking and found the following disturbing results.

I can still create snapshots of subvolumes and the default subvolume (/)
without problems.  But sending the snapshot fails with the error:

ERROR: /.SNAPSHOT doesn't belong to btrfs mount point

btrfs subvolume list -a /

ID 259 gen 21444 top level 5 path home
ID 260 gen 21443 top level 5 path var
ID 742 gen 18830 top level 5 path .SNAPSHOT
ID 743 gen 18832 top level 259 path home/.SNAPSHOT

But then again e.g.

btrfs subvolume show /home
ERROR: /home doesn't belong to btrfs mount point

All this is happening on my laptop running kernel 3.16.3. (Debian).

Interestingly enough I have another machine where only the default
subvolume makes problems but another subvolume can be snapshotted and
the snapshot send.  This machine uses kernel 3.14.15.

Please let me know what I can do to fix this.


ich zitiere wie Espenlaub.


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