On 2014-11-20 09:10, Duncan wrote:
Bardur Arantsson posted on Thu, 20 Nov 2014 14:17:52 +0100 as excerpted:

If you have no other backups, I would really recommend that you *don't*
use btrfs for your backup, or at least have a *third* backup which isn't
on btrfs -- there are *still* problems with btrfs that can potentially
wreck your backup filesystem. (Although it's obviously less likely if
the external HDD will only be connected occasionally.)

Don't get me wrong, btrfs is becoming more and more stable, but I
wouldn't trust it with my *only* backup, especially if also running
btrfs on the backed-up filesystem.


My working versions and first backups are btrfs.  My secondary backups
are reiserfs (my old filesystem of choice, which has been very reliable
for me), just in case both the btrfs versions bite the dust due to a bug
in btrfs itself.

Likewise, except I use compressed, encrypted tarballs stored on both Amazon S3 and Dropbox.

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