Boris Chernov posted on Sun, 23 Nov 2014 11:00:16 +0000 as excerpted:

>  P.S. I received on my mail only shortest reply about "mount"
> command, so I was able to read other replies only after few days when
> they appeared on gmane (I wasn't subscribed at the time because I did
> not expect gmane to be so slow). This time I subscribed to the list so
> hopefully I will be able to read all replies without delay.

FWIW I use gmane's list2news service here, and didn't experience such 
delays (maybe a few hours here and there, but...).

However, if you were using gmane's web service, that explains things as 
weaverd, the process that does the threading on the web side, was down 
for some days, and Lars (gmane's owner and primary admin, there's others 
but only Lars is able to do some things) only found out about it when he 
followed up on a report from someone in gmane.discuss.  Check out that 
list/group for more.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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