On Tue, 2014-11-25 at 02:11 +0000, boris wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was looking for a quick method of testing whether a working directory is a 
> subvolume.
> Couldn't see an obvious one, so tried 'btrfs show <somesubvol≥'. It printed 
> a fail message as expected but returned 0 exit status. Bug?

Hi boris,

I take a quick look at the code branch and I think it is a Bug indeed.
THe code just forgot to set the proper return value before leave out.

To test whether a dir is a subvolume, what about
        # btrfs sub list | grep <dirname>
as 'btrfs sub list will list all subvolumes under <mntpoint>.
The dirname should be relative path under <mntpoint> is as I could


> Can I put in a feature request for a shell file test operator for subvols, 
> please (or something of the kind)? http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/fto.html . 
> The letter v (for volume, both upper and lower case forms; one for subvol, 
> other for snapshots) is unused afaict. 
> Have I missed the obvious? Or scored a false positive?
> TIA.
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