Alex Elsayed wrote:

> John Williams wrote:
>> Again, irrelevant. The Spooky2, CityHash256, and Murmur3 hashes that I
>> am talking about can and do take advantage of CPU architecture. For
>> 128- and 256-bit hashes, one (or more) of those three will be
>> significantly faster than any crypto hash in the Crypto API,
>> regardless of the CPU it is run on.
> Sure.

Actually, I said "Sure" here, but this isn't strictly true. At some point, 
you're more memory-bound than CPU-bound, and with CPU intrinsic instructions 
(like SPARC and recent x86 have for SHA) you're often past that. Then, 
you're not going to see any real difference - and the accelerated 
cryptographic hashes may even win out, because the intrinsics may be faster 
(less stuff of the I$, pipelined single instruction beating multiple simpler 
instructions, etc) than the software non-cryptographic hash.

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