On 12/27/2014 05:01 PM, Bardur Arantsson wrote:
On 2014-12-28 01:25, Robert White wrote:
On 12/27/2014 08:01 AM, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
 From how you write I get the impression that you think everyone else
beside you is just silly and dumb. Please stop this assumption. I may not
always get terms right, and I may make a mistake as with the wrong df
figure. But I also highly dislike to feel treated like someone who
know a thing.

Nope. I'm a systems theorist and I demand/require variable isolation.

Not a question of "silly" or "dumb" but a question of "speaking with
sufficient precision and clarity".

For instance you speak of "having an impression" and then decide I've
made an assumption.

I define my position. Explain my terms. Give my examples.

I also risk being utterly wrong because sometimes being completely wrong
gets others to cut away misconceptions and assumptions.

It annoys some people, but it gets results.

Can you please stop this bullshit posturing nonsense? It accomlishes
nothing -- if you're right your other posts will stand for themselves
and show that you are indeed "the shit" when it comes to these matters,
but this post (so far, didn't read further) accomplishes nothing other
than (possibly) convincing everyone that you're a pompous/self-important

Really? "accomplishes nothing"?

24 hours ago:

the complaining party was talking about

- Windows XP
- Tax software
- Virtual box
- vdi files
- defragging
- balancing
- "data trees"
- system hanging

And the responding party was saying

"you are the only person reporting this as a regular occurrence" with the implication that the report was a duplicate or at least might not get much immediate attention.


The complaining party has verified the minimum, repeatable case of simple file allocation on a very fragmented system and the responding party and several others have understood and supported the bug.

That's not "accomplishing nothing", thats called engaging in diagnostics instead of dismissing a complaint, and sticking out the diagnostic process until everyone is on the same page.

I never dismissed Martin. I never disbelieved him. I went through his elements one at a time with examples of what I was taking away from him and why they didn't match expectations and experimental evidence. We adjusted our positions and communications.

So you can call it "bullshit posturing nonsense" but I see "taking less than a day to get to the bottom of a bug report that might not have gotten significant attention."
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