On 12/31/2014 08:15 AM, Zygo Blaxell wrote:
On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 08:07:27PM -0800, Robert White wrote:
There are a number of pathological examples in here, but I think there
are justifiable correct answers for each of them that emerge from a
single interpretation of the meanings of f_bavail, f_blocks, and f_bfree.

One gotcha is that some of the numbers required may be difficult to
calculate precisely before all space is allocated to chunks; however,
some error is tolerable as long as free space is not overestimated.
In other words:  when in doubt, guess low.

statvfs(2) gives us six numbers, three of which are block counts.
Very few users or programs ever bother to look at the inode counts
(f_files, f_ffree, f_favail), but they could be overloaded for metadata
block counts.

The f_blocks parameter is mostly irrelevant to application behavior,
except to the extent that the ratio between f_bavail and f_blocks is
used by applications to calculate a percentage of occupied or free space.
f_blocks must always be greater than or equal to f_bavail and f_blocks,
and preferably f_blocks would be scaled to use the same effective unit
size as f_bavail and f_blocks within a percent or two.

Nobody cares about f_bfree since traditionally only root could use the
difference between f_bfree and f_bavail.  f_bfree is effectively space
conditionally available (e.g. if the process euid is root or the process
egid matches a configured group id), while f_bavail is space available
without conditions (e.g. processes without privilege can use it).

The most important number is f_bavail.  It's what a bunch of software
(archive unpackers, assorted garbage collectors, email MTAs, snapshot
remover scripts, download managers, etc) uses to estimate how much space
is available without conditions (except quotas, although arguably those
should be included too).  Applications that are privileged still use
the unprivileged f_bavail number so their decisions based on free space
don't disrupt unprivileged applications.

It's generally better to underestimate than to overestimate f_bavail.
Historically filesystems have reserved extra space to avoid various
problems in low-disk conditions, and application software has adapted
to that well over the years.  Also, admin people are more pleasantly
surprised when it turns out that they had more space than f_bavail,
instead of when they had less.

The rule should be:  if we have some space, but it is not available for
data extents in the current allocation mode, don't add it to f_bavail
in statvfs.  I think this rule handles all of these examples well.

That would mean that we get cases where we add a drive to a full
filesystem and it doesn't immediately give you any new f_bavail space.
That may be an unexpected result for a naive admin, but much less
unexpected than having all the new space show up in f_bavail when it
is not available for allocation in the current data profile!  Better
to have the surprising behavior earlier than later.

On to examples...

But a more even case is downright common and likely. Say you run a
nice old-fashoned MUTT mail-spool. "most" of your files are small
enough to live in metadata. You start with one drive. and allocate 2
single-data and 10 metatata (5xDup). Then you add a second drive of
equal size. (the metadata just switched to DUP-as-RAID1-alike mode)
And then you do a dconvert=raid0.

That uneven allocation of metadata will be a 2GiB difference between
the two drives forever.
So do you shave 2GiB off of your @size?
Yes.  f_blocks is the total size of all allocated chunks plus all free
space allocated by the current data profile.

Agreed. This is what my patch designed by.
   That 2GiB should disappear
from such a calculation.

Do you shave @2GiB off your @available?
Yes, because it's _not_ available until something changes to make it
available (e.g. balance to get rid of the dup metadata, change the
metadata profile to dup or single, or change the data profile to single).

The 2GiB could be added to f_bfree, but that might still be confusing
for people and software.

Do you overreport your available by @2GiB and end up _still_ having
things "available" when you get your ENOSPC?
No.  ENOSPC when f_bavail > 0 is very bad.

Yes, it is very bad.
  Low-available-space admin
alerts will not be triggered.  Automated mitigation software will not be
activated.  Service daemons will start transactions they cannot complete.

How about this ::

/dev/sda == |Sf|Sf|Mf|Mf|Mf|Mf|Sf|Sf|Sp|Mp|Mp| .5GiB free|
/dev/sdb == |10 GiB free                                 |

Operator fills his drive, then adds a second one, then _foolishly_
tries to convert it to RAID0 when the power fails. In order to check
the FS he boots with no_balance. Then his maintenance window closes
and he has to go back into production, at which point he forgets (or
isn't allowed) to do the balance. The flags are set but now no more
extents can be allocated.

Size is 20GiB, slack is 10.5GiB. Operator is about to get ENOSPACE.

I am not clear about this use case. Is the current profile raid0? if so, @available is
10.5G. If raid1, @available is 0.5G.
f_bavail should be 0.5GB or so.  Operator is now aware that ENOSPC is
imminent, and can report to whoever grants permission to do things that
the machine will be continuing to balance outside of the maintenance
window.  This is much better than the alternative, which is that the
lack of available space is detected by application failure outside of
a maintenance window.

Even better:  if f_bavail is reflective of reality, the operator can
minimize out-of-window balance time by monitoring f_bavail and pausing
the balance when there is enough space to operate without ENOSPC until
the next maintenance window.

Yes a balance would fix it, but that's not the question.
The question is "how much space is available at this time?" and the
correct answer is "almost none," and it stays that way until and unless
someone runs a balance, adds more drives, deletes a lot of data, etc.

balance changes the way space will be allocated, so it also changes
the output of df to match.

In the meantime what does your patch report?
It should report that there's almost no available space.
If the patch doesn't report that, the patch needs rework.


/dev/sda == |Sf|Sf|Mf|Mf|Mf|Mf|Sf|Sf|Sp|Mp|Mp| .5GiB free|
/dev/sdb == |10 GiB free                                 |
/dev/sdc == |10 GiB free                                 |

Does a -dconvert=raid5 and immediately gets ENOSPC for all the
blocks. According to the flags we've got 10GiB free...
10.5GiB is correct:  1.0GiB in a 3-way RAID5 on sd[abc] (2x 0.5GiB
data, 1x 0.5GiB parity), and 9.5GiB in a 2-way RAID5 (1x 9.5GiB data,
1x 9.5GiB parity) on sd[bc].  The current RAID5 implementation might
not use space that way, but if that's true, that's arguably a bug in
the current RAID5 implementation.

The current RAID5 does not work like this. It will alloc 10G (0.5 sd[ab] + 9.5 sd[bc]).

The calculation in statfs() is same with the calculation in current allocator.
It will report 10G available.

Yes it would be better if we make the allocator more clever in these case.
That can be another topic about allocator.

If it was -dconvert=raid6, there would be only 0.5GiB in f_bavail (1x
0.5GiB data, 2x 0.5GiB parity) since raid6 requires 3 disks per chunk.

See you keep giving me these examples where the history of the
filesystem is uniform. It was made a certain way and stayed that
way. But in real life this sort of thing is going to happen and your
patch simply report's a _different_ _wrong_ number. A _friendlier_
wrong number, I'll grant you that, but still wrong.
Who cares if the number is wrong, as long as useful decisions can still be
made with it?  It doesn't have to be byte-accurate in all possible cases.

Existing software and admin practice is OK with underreporting free
space, but not overreporting it.  All the errors should be biased in
that direction.

Thanx Zygo and Robert, I agree that my patch did not cover the situation when block groups in different raid level. I will update my patch soon and sent it out.

Thanx for your suggestion.


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