On 2015/01/23 11:58, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

root@data:/daten/backup/email/xmit# btrfs send foo | ssh wherever btrfs receive 
At subvol foo
At subvol foo
[ some time passes and I need to do something else on that volume ]

[1]+  Stopped                 btrfs send foo | ssh -p50022 surf btrfs receive 
root@data:/daten/backup/email/xmit# bg
[1]+ btrfs send foo | ssh -p50022 surf btrfs receive /mnt/mail/xmit/ &
[ Immediately afterwards, this happens: ]

ERROR: crc32 mismatch in command.

At subvol foo

At subvol foo
ERROR: creating subvolume foo failed. File exists
[1]+  Exit 1                  btrfs send foo | ssh -p50022 surf btrfs receive 

Yowch. Please make sure that the simple act of backgrounding a data
transfer doesn't abort it. That was ten hours in, now I have to repeat
the whole thing. :-/

Thank you.
Interesting case. I'm not sure of the merits/workaround needed to do this. It appears even using cat into netcat (nc) causes netcat to quit if you background the operation.

A workaround for future: I *strongly* recommend using screen for long-lived operations. This would have avoided the problem. Perhaps you were sitting in front of the server and it wasn't much of a concern at the time - but most admins work remotely. Never mind ^z, what about other occurrences such as if the power/internet goes out at your office/home and the server is on another continent? Your session dies and you lose 10 hours of work/waiting. With a screen session, that is no longer true.

Brendan Hide

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