On 2015/02/09 01:58, constantine wrote:
Second, SMART is only saying its internal test is good. The errors are
related to data transfer, so that implicates the enclosure (bridge
chipset or electronics), the cable, or the controller interface.
Actually it could also be a flaky controller or RAM on the drive
itself too which I don't think get checked with SMART tests.
Which test should I do from now on (on a weekly basis?) so as to
prevent similar things from happening?
Chris has given some very good info so far. I've also had to learn some of this stuff the hard way (failed/unreliable drives, data unavailable/lost, etc). The info below will be of help to you in following some of the advice already given. Unfortunately, the best course of action I see so far is to follow Chris' advice and to purchase more disks so you can make a backup ASAP.

I have the following two lines in /etc/udev/rules.d/61-persistent-storage.rules for two old 250GB spindles. It sets the timeout to 120 seconds because these two disks don't support SCT ERC. This may very well apply without modification to other distros - but this is only tested in Arch: ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd*", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="ST3250410AS_6RYF5NP7" RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 120 > /sys$devpath/device/timeout'" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd*", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="ST3250820AS_9QE2CQWC" RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 120 > /sys$devpath/device/timeout'"

I have a "smart_scan" script* that does a check of all disks using smartctl. The meat of the script is in main(). The rest of the script is from a template of mine. The script, with no parameters, will do a short and then a long test on all drives. It does not give any output - however if you have smartd running and configured appropriately, smartd will pick up on any issues found and send appropriate alerts (email/system log/etc).

It is configured in /etc/cron.d/smart. It runs a short test every morning and a long test every Saturday evening:
25    5    *    *    *    root    /usr/local/sbin/smart_scan short
25    18    *    *    6    root    /usr/local/sbin/smart_scan long

Then, scrubbing**:
This relatively simple script runs a scrub on all disks and prints the results *only* if there were errors. I've scheduled this in a cron as well to execute *every* morning shortly after 2am. Cron is configured to send me an email if there is any output - so I only get an email if there's something to look into.

And finally, I have btsync configured to synchronise my Arch desktop's system journal to a couple of local and remote servers of mine. A much cleaner way to do this would be to use an external syslog server - I haven't yet looked into doing that properly, however.


Brendan Hide

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