Am Samstag, 18. April 2015, 01:03:23 schrieb Christoph Anton Mitterer:
> On Thu, 2015-04-09 at 16:33 +0000, Hugo Mills wrote:
> >    btrfs sub find-new might be more helpful to you here. That will
> > 
> > give you the list of changed files; then just feed that list to your
> > existing bin-packing algorithm for working out what goes on which
> > disks, and you're done.
> hmm that sounds interesting, but
> a) it lacks much documentation (how does that with the generations work?
> when is there a new generation? what, if the generation overflows?)

I have no idea about when there is a new generation. I think it depends on 
the commit intervall.

You can see the current generation with:

merkaba:~> btrfs subvol show / | grep Generation
        Generation (Gen):       468143

> b) it seems to only show me new files, but not files that have been moved,
> or removed, or when properties have changed.

It should show renamed or moved files. But yeah, if it does, at least not 
in a way that shows that a rename or move operation took place.

> c) it seems to work only for one subvolume?

Its per subvolume, I think. Thats why it is under "btrfs subvolume"

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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