Николай Овчинников posted
on Wed, 08 Jul 2015 22:38:20 +0300 as excerpted:

[Rearranged to standard quote, reply-in-context, format.  It makes 
replying and following replies on mailing lists FAR easier.]

> 2015-07-08 16:56 GMT+03:00 Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com>:
>> I've reproduced this bug with a brand new ext4 system, converted with
>> btrfs-progs 4.1 and a 4.1 kernel. The conversion is OK. And btrfs check
>> is ok after conversion, after removing the ext2_saved snapshot, and
>> after defrag. The implosion happens on balance and the fs goes read
>> only.

> What about btrfsck and btrfs-image errors?

C Murphy mentioned btrfs check (saying it was fine after conversion).  
Btrfsck is now the check subcommand under the primary btrfs tool, with 
the standalone btrfsck deprecated and to be removed after a few 
transition releases.

But he didn't cover btrfs-image.  Valid point/question there.

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