On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 8:20 AM, james harvey <jamespharve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Request for new btrfs subvolume subcommand:
> clone or fork [-i <qgroupid] <source> [<dest>]<name>
>    Create a subvolume <name> in <dest>, which is a clone or fork of source.
>    If <dest> is not given, subvolume <name> will be created in the
> current directory.
>    Options
>    -i <qgroupid>
>       Add the newly created subvolume to a qgroup.  This option can be
> given multiple times.
> Would (I think):
> * btrfs subvolume create <dest-subvolume>
> * cp -ax --reflink=always <source-subvolume>/* <dest-subvolume>/

What's wrong with "btrfs subvolume snapshot"?

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