On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 10:24:38AM +0800, Qu Wenruo wrote:
> Zygo Blaxell wrote on 2015/07/19 03:23 -0400:
> But I'm a little considered about the facts that extents get quite small(4K)
> and the increasing number of backref/file extents may affect performance.

At the moment I just ignore any block that already has more than 100
references, since deduplicating those blocks can save at most 1% space,
and I'm afraid of finding out the hard way what happens if there's over
a million references to a single extent in btrfs.  ;)

> [inband vs outband]
> I think kernel inband deduplication should be *fast*, *simple*, and *flex*.
> It doesn't need to be perfectly dedup every extent to its smallest space
> usage.
> It should be a quite nice additional option for btrfs, but only impacts the
> normal routine to minimal.
> On the other hand, user space dedup can do all the hard work that kernel
> dedup can't do, like what you do currently, try to do the best to reduce
> every space usage.

An in-band dedup can avoid some of these problems, especially if it
intercepts writes before they make it to disk.  There is no need for
complicated on-disk-extent-splitting algorithms if we can avoid writing
extents that needed to be split in the first place.

> So from this respect, I'm OK with the space waste in in-band deduplication
> if the inband dedup is simple and fast.

My version of that rule is "don't compromise a working design to do
something that gives less than 1% benefit."  ;)

> [Liu Bo's patchset]
> As Liu Bo already submit a V10 patchset, I think most of its implement is
> quite good and straightforward, quite suitable for kernel in band dedup if
> can be improved a little.
> The workflow is quite easy to understand:
> 1. Hash(SHA256) the data at the unit of dedup_size.
>    For data smaller than dedup_size, fallback to normal routine.
> 2. If hash matches, add file extent item and backref.
>    No need to submit the bio
> 3. If hash not match, adds the hash to dedup tree.
>    The bio submit/metadata modification will be done by dedup routine.
> 4. When free a extent, deletes the hash from dedup tree.
> For the space waste problem, as dedup is done at dedup_size (can be set to
> page size) and extent is at that size, so no space waste problem, but break
> the original large extent into small ones even it will not have further
> duplicated one.
> And a new dedup tree with dedup ioctl to disable/enabled it.
> [My developing dedup patchset]
> Learned a lot from Liu Bo's patchset, mixed with some of my understanding.
> The workflow is somewhat like Liu's
> 1. Hash(SHA256) the data at the unit of page size.
>    Only happens for uncompressed non-inline data yet.
> 2. If hash matches, add file extent item and backref.
>    Skip bio submit just like Liu.
> 3. If hash not match, go through the orinal routine.
>    But with hook to add hash into dedup hash<->extent mapping tree.
> 4. Remove Last Recent Use hash<->extent mapping if there is too many.
> 5. Also add hash<->extent mapping at read page time.
> 6. Also remove all the hash<->extent mapping belongs to the extent when
>    freeing
> As you can see, all hash<->extent mapping is stored only in memory,
> so no new tree, even no need to use a new ioctl, just mount option is enough
> to disable/enable dedup.
> And large extents will still be large, don't need to be broken into smaller
> one. Only duplicated page will be small extent(4K)
> With limited (can be tuned with mount option) number of in memory mapping,
> overhead of read/write can be limited to a constant value.
> Also, the number of lines is small.
> Current working one without the code to parse mount option(just hard coded
> for testing yet) only adds about 780 lines to do dedup.
> On the other hand the cost is obvious too, not every duplicated page will be
> deduplicated, and still can't solve the space waste problem.

My approach is a little different.  RAM usage is my limiting factor, so
I've selected data structures to minimize it, and traded against some
extra I/O.

I use a much smaller hash (40-50 bits, depending on the size of the
filesystem and expected duplicate rate) that is intentionally sized
to false-positive on about 0.1% of matching hashes--no more, no less.
The cost is having to read all possibly duplicate blocks to determine if
the data is really duplicate, and 0.1% of the time I get a false positive.
The benefit is that I can get more hash table coverage per unit of RAM,
so I can use a tiny machine to dedup a huge filesystem.

I use random drop instead of LRU on the hash table.  Hashes of duplicate
blocks are ordered to expire after hashes of unique blocks, but hashes
within both groups expire in random order.  When I find a pair of
duplicate blocks in two extents, I check the adjacent blocks to see if
they are also identical.  If they are, I expand the duplicate block range
and repeat, resulting in a maximum-length sequence of duplicate blocks.
Typical duplicate files contain long sequences of duplicate blocks where
each sequence contains blocks that are mostly unique except when they
appear in the sequence (e.g. a JPEG photo will contain thousands of
blocks, each of which are only ever found in other copies of the same
JPEG photo).  It's only necessary to find any one of those blocks in the
block hash table--the others will be found because they are adjacent
to the block in the hash table.  In other words, for typical cases we
can just throw most of the block hash table away, keeping only a small
sample of the blocks.

These two techniques save a _lot_ of RAM compared to approaches based
on large, collision-free hashes and LRU.  I can intentionally undersize
the block hash table's RAM allocation by multiple orders of magnitude
and still find 99% of duplicate blocks on a filesystem.

In my case I'm *really* starved for RAM--I push 25TB of data through a
10GB hash table with a 45% duplicate rate.  That's only 10% of the RAM
I would require for full hash table coverage coverage of the filesystem.

> But IMHO such implement can be improved further easily:
> TODO list:
> 1. merge duplicated extent into larger one if possible.
> For example:
> Existing File 1:
> 0     4K      8K      12K
> |<------Extent A------->|
> New write into file2:
> Current:
> |-ExtB--|-ExtC--|
> Ext B will point to extent A with offset 0, nr 4096.
> Ext C will point to extent A with offset 4096, nr 4096.
> TODO version:
> |-----ExtD------|
> Ext D will point to extent A with offset 0, nr 8192.

My experiments with this so far found some nasty feedback loops with
extent coalescing, where we coalesce AAA and BBB together into AAABBB,
then split them apart again later on when we discover files with AAACCC
or BBBDDD sequences.

I find that once an extent has been split for dedup, the best thing to
do is to leave it alone.  In the vast majority of cases such extents are
split into smaller pieces until the extent edges match some logical
boundary in the data, but then they remain stable after that.

E.g. if several files are copied from a filesystem into a VM filesystem
image, the VM image will be broken up into extents that match the
boundaries of the files.  Once that is done, there will typically be no
further fragmentation as any further duplicates of these extents will
be more copies of the same files--and therefore have the same length.
Another copy of the VM image just gets broken into the same sized
extents as the first copy.

There are examples where this is not true, but they tend to be really
bad use cases for deduplication.  e.g. a database file might have lots
of small duplicate fragments--but typically one wants a database file
to be nocow and defragmented, and the gains from these operations far
outweigh the benefits (and costs!) of allowing dedup to touch the file
at all.

If many small consecutive extents can be *proven* unique, they might be
worth defragmenting.  Maybe.

> This will both reduce space waste and metadata size.
> But like the implement itself, such behavior won't always do it best, and
> may fallback to the old one.
> 2. Persist dedup hash<->extent map.
> As we already have the dedup ioctl number, in this implement, we can use it
> to pin a dedup hash mapping into memory and out of the LRU control.
> This could hugely improve the flexibility of kernel inband dedup, and put
> the dedup policy out of kernel, making application handle things better than
> kernel.

My persistent hash table is just a copy of the in-memory hash table (or
mmap the table as a file on disk).  The in-memory hash table is just a
giant array of (hash, physical) tuples arranged to encode random-drop
information and some of the hash bits in the address of each table entry.
It is fixed-size.  The administrator decides how much RAM to devote to
dedup, and once the table is loaded the RAM usage is constant.

On the other hand, my design has trade-offs:  because each table entry
is a hash and a physical block, and there's no synchronization with the
kernel, balancing the filesystem effectively destroys the hash table.  :-P

> >On a heavily defragmented filesystem the data copy required could be a
> >little under 2GB for a single pair of cloned ranges (in the worst case
> >of 4K cloned in two maximum-sized extents).  Currently FILE_EXTENT_SAME
> >refuses to do work involving more than 32MB of reads for a single
> >extent pair.  There's a pretty big gap between 32MB of reads and 4GB of
> >reads _and_ writes.  FILE_EXTENT_SAME also takes a vector of extents,
> >which multiply the work.
> So breaking large extent is always needed, even in my implement, I limit the
> largest uncompressed extent to be 512K
> (For 4K page size, 512K needs 128 hashes, at each takes 32bytes, hash will
> be just 1 page).

Huge!  ;)

I have the same 4K page size, but even with a fully populated hash table
(all blocks on disk indexed) I use only 1712 bytes per 512K--including
the block pointers and indexing overhead.  At about 157 bytes per 512K
(the amount of RAM I have to run dedup) the dedup still covers 92%
of duplicate extents with length 64K, with less coverage for smaller
extents and more coverage for larger extents.  The size distribution
of typical filesystems means I get 99% of all duplicate blocks.

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