#  btrfs dev scan
Scanning for Btrfs filesystems

(back to # prompt)

# mount -o ro,degraded /data

Seems to work, /data is mounted

# btrfs fi show
Label: '0e36d290:data'  uuid: e75a9856-d9e5-4d02-92e6-a217056c69b7
        Total devices 4 FS bytes used 6.09TiB
        devid    1 size 2.71TiB used 2.71TiB path /dev/md127
        devid    2 size 1.82TiB used 1.82TiB path /dev/md126
        devid    3 size 1.82TiB used 1.82TiB path /dev/md125
        *** Some devices missing

Where next ?

On 27 August 2015 at 18:27, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Mike Aubury <m...@aubit.com> wrote:
>> Offlist - thanks for the help so far..
> No, I'm changing it back to onlist. It's not appropriate to take this offlist.
> This whole conversation is relevant to others who end up in this same
> situation. And the ReadyNAS folks should have better support for this,
> you paid them money for this product, and it was their choice to use
> Btrfs. They should support you. But in the meantime the Btrfs list is
> the right place for the discussion.
>> The loop device is still there
>> # losetup  -a
>> /dev/loop0: [0861]:198 (/media/USB_HDD_1/t1/tmpbtrfs)
>> But doesnt seem to be being picked up :
>> # btrfs fi show
>> warning devid 4 not found already
>> Label: '0e36d290:data'  uuid: e75a9856-d9e5-4d02-92e6-a217056c69b7
>>         Total devices 4 FS bytes used 6.09TiB
>>         devid    1 size 2.71TiB used 2.71TiB path /dev/md127
>>         devid    2 size 1.82TiB used 1.82TiB path /dev/md126
>>         devid    3 size 1.82TiB used 1.82TiB path /dev/md125
>>         *** Some devices missing
> Try
> # btrfs dev scan
>> Trying a mount in that state gives :
>> # mount /data
>> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md126,
>>        missing codepage or helper program, or other error
>>        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
>>        dmesg | tail  or so
>> dmesg gives :
>> btrfs: failed to read chunk tree on md125
>> btrfs: open_ctree failed
> If dev scan doesn't work you could try to mount with -o ro,degraded
> but I do not recommend it until you fist explore all options to make
> btrfs aware of this loop back device.
> In the future I think it's better to use the USB stick directly rather
> than loopback files which just adds more complexity to an already
> fragile situation.
>> FWIW - When I used the usb file - it never had any "usage" reported in
>> the "fi show" - used was always 0GB, I think the thing is just totally
>> messed up, and all i've done is mess it up more!
> There is at least some metadata on it, or it wouldn't be get fussy
> that the device is missing. So you need to get the loop back device
> visible to Btrfs and then it will almost certainly mount at least ro
> at which point you can get data off of it first; and then you can deal
> with the btrfs dev delete part.
> --
> Chris Murphy
> --
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