Filipe Manana posted on Sat, 24 Oct 2015 18:52:21 +0100 as excerpted:

> On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 6:36 PM,  <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to do backups based on btrfs send/receive.
>> So I though I would do a transfer over portable HDD and then
>> incremental sends (using -p) over network.
>> Initial :
>> btrfs send "all" (primary HDD) →  btrfs receive (portable HDD) →  btrfs
>> send/receive (final HDD)
>> Later :
>> btrfs send -p "all" new →  ssh newhost "btrfs receive … "
>> But I found out that does not work. It complains parent not found.
>> Am I doing something wrong, or is it intended behaviour?
> It's a bug, we got it recently reported and fixed.
> The fix is in Chris' integration branch for the upcoming 4.4 merge
> window:

As a current workaround...

It's worth noting that btrfs send outputs a stream, while btrfs receives 
a stream, but they don't have to be hooked up directly in real-time.  
Both send and receive have parameters that allow sending output to, and 
receiving input from, a file, and of course since they work with STDOUT/
STDIN, even if explicit file options weren't supplied, shell redirection 
can be used to do it.

So it's quite possible to send to a file on the the portable device 
instead of to btrfs receive, then unplug the device and plug it in on the 
target, receiving from the file there.  That avoids the intermediate 
receive/send and thus the problem, since it's ultimately (a copy of) the 
original send stream now being received by receive on the target machine.

That also allows additional flexibility, since the intermediate/portable 
device now doesn't have to have btrfs on it; it can be ext* or whatever.  
In fact, the portable device shouldn't even need a filesystem at all, as 
sending directly to the device-file and receiving from it should work.  
Send/receive works with a stream after all, and anything that can 
accurately store and replay that stream should be sufficient. =:^)

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