I don't remember doing that, but just to exclude everything, how do I check?

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Donald Pearson
<donaldwhpear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> AFAIK quotas aren't a mount option, but if you never enabled them and
> created the qgroups by hand that's your answer and the issue must be
> something else.
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 8:36 AM, cheater00 . <cheate...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There are no quotas. I haven't enabled them. I believe the fstab says
>> that - could they be enabled in another way? How do I check for sure?
>> The man page doesn't say how to check the status:
>> https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Manpage/btrfs-quota
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Donald Pearson
>> <donaldwhpear...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Accidentally didn't reply to the list the 1st time.
>>> I see the same issue when I have quotas enabled.  If you have quotas
>>> on, see if turning them off helps.
>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:16 AM, cheater00 . <cheate...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> I am running into really bad performance. Here's my setup:
>>>> WD Red 6 TB connected over USB2 to my core i7 laptop, running Ubuntu
>>>> 32-bit with kernel 4.0.4-040004-generic #201505171336.
>>>> Single btrfs partition covering whole disk.
>>>> Autodefrag is on.
>>>> fstab line:
>>>> UUID=... /media/X btrfs rw,nosuid,nodev,autodefrag 0 0
>>>> Sometimes when files are being modified or removed, I see
>>>> btrfs-transacti eat 100% cpu; during this time no io operations
>>>> succeed, that is, they're all stalled. You can't even ls on that fs.
>>>> This happens for several minutes then normal operation resumes. There
>>>> doesn't seem to be a rule to what will trigger this, other than
>>>> opening a single file and reading usually works quite well. (say,
>>>> watching a movie while all other programs are closed). But even moving
>>>> files off the disks triggers some sort of bug. Just now I am moving a
>>>> few files (just 30gb worth) onto another disk, and the bug triggers.
>>>> So btrfs-transacti was eating my cpu for over 5 minutes and according
>>>> to mv's output after this was done and cpu usage went back to normal
>>>> what I was waiting for was for a tiny png file to be removed. This is
>>>> pretty bad.
>>>> I have tried defragmenting directories where files are being accessed
>>>> and moved. This hasn't helped.
>>>> This happens whether the FS is near full or not. It currently is near
>>>> full but it wasn't before and it still did that. It still has about ~
>>>> 100GB free space now.
>>>> The more things are happening the more often this bug gets triggered.
>>>> So if I have utorrent running and its temporary downloads directory is
>>>> there, its download speed graph will be a few spikes of running at
>>>> several MB/sec separated by durations of 0 download speed.
>>>> Nothing seems to show up in dmesg or syslog.
>>>> I have asked in #btrfs but the suggestions ended up not fixing the
>>>> issue (autodefrag, defrag dirs).
>>>> Please advise what I should do with this issue.
>>>> --
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