Lukas Pirl posted on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 10:43:41 +1300 as excerpted:

> If there is one subvolume that contains all other (read only) snapshots
> and there is insufficient storage to copy them all separately:
> Is there an elegant way to preserve those when moving the data across
> disks?

AFAIK, no elegant way without a writable mount.

Tho I'm not sure, btrfs send, to a btrfs elsewhere using receive, may 
work, since you did specify read-only snapshots, which is what send 
normally works with in ordered to avoid changes to the snapshot while 
it's sending it.  My own use-case doesn't involve either snapshots or 
send/receive, however, so I'm not sure if send can work with a read-only 
filesystem or not, but I think its normal method of operation is to 
create those read-only snapshots itself, which of course would require a 
writable filesystem, so I'm guessing it won't work unless you can 
convince it to use the read-only mounts as-is.

The less elegant way would involve manual deduplication.  Copy one 
snapshot, then another, and dedup what hasn't changed between the two, 
then add a third and dedup again. ...  Depending on the level of dedup 
(file vs block level) and the level of change in your filesystem, this 
should ultimately take about the same level of space as a full backup 
plus a series of incrementals.

Meanwhile, this does reinforce the point that snapshots don't replace 
full backups, that being the reason I don't use them here, since if the 
filesystem goes bad, it'll very likely take all the snapshots with it.

Snapshots do tend to be pretty convenient, arguably /too/ convenient and 
near-zero-cost to make, as people then tend to just do scheduled 
snapshots, without thinking about their overhead and maintenance costs on 
the filesystem, until they already have problems.  I'm not sure if you 
are a regular list reader and have thus seen my normal spiel on btrfs 
snapshot scaling and recommended limits to avoid problems or not, so if 
not, here's a slightly condensed version...

Btrfs has scaling issues that appear when trying to manage too many 
snapshots.  These tend to appear first in tools like balance and check, 
where time to process a filesystem goes up dramatically as the number of 
snapshots increases, to the point where it can become entirely 
impractical to manage at all somewhere near the 100k snapshots range, and 
is already dramatically affecting runtime at 10k snapshots.

As a result, I recommend keeping per-subvol snapshots to 250-ish, which 
will allow snapshotting four subvolumes while still keeping total 
filesystem snapshots to 1000, or eight subvolumes at a filesystem total 
of 2000 snapshots, levels where the scaling issues should remain well 
within control.  And 250-ish snapshots per subvolume is actually very 
reasonable even with half-hour scheduled snapshotting, provided a 
reasonable scheduled snapshot thinning program is also implemented, 
cutting say to hourly after six hours, six-hourly after a day, 12 hourly 
after 2 days, daily after a week, and weekly after four weeks to a 
quarter (13 weeks).  Out beyond a quarter or two, certainly within a 
year, longer term backups to other media should be done, and snapshots 
beyond that can be removed entirely, freeing up the space the old 
snapshots kept locked down and helping to keep the btrfs healthy and 
functioning well within its practical scalability limits.

Because a balance that takes a month to complete because it's dealing 
with a few hundred k snapshots is in practice (for most people) not 
worthwhile to do at all, and also in practice, a year or even six months 
out, are you really going to care about the precise half-hour snapshot, 
or is the next daily or weekly snapshot going to be just as good, and a 
whole lot easier to find among a couple hundred snapshots than hundreds 
of thousands?

If you have far too many snapshots, perhaps this sort of thinning 
strategy will as well allow you to copy and dedup only key snapshots, say 
weekly plus daily for the last week, doing the backup thing manually, as 
well, modifying the thinning strategy accordingly if necessary to get it 
to fit.  Tho using the copy and dedup strategy above will still require 
at least double the full space of a single copy, plus the space necessary 
for each deduped snapshot copy you keep, since the dedup occurs after the 

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