On Thu, 12 Nov 2015 08:27:49 -0500
Austin S Hemmelgarn <ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> know of (Arch and Gentoo), because the very fact that you installed a 
> system with either one means that you are fully capable of backing up 
> your data, and reprovisioning the system using BTRFS instead of whatever 
> filesystem you are already using

Uhm, what?... How does the fact that I use one particular distro or another,
reflect on my ability to (easily) back up and restore my 10 TB storage array?
"You should maintain backups anyway so you could easily restore" -- yeah I do,
and they are in a remote location over a relatively slow link.

I chose Ext4 instead of the other options which seemed more attractive
(primarily XFS, but also JFS) for this array back when creating it a long time
ago, when Btrfs was still in its much earlier days than now, **SPECIFICALLY**
with the intent to use btrfs-convert "as soon as Btrfs somewhat matures". So
as time went, it did, I acted on this plan, and everything went just perfectly.

Why are people so quick to project "If I don't need this, nobody likely does".
Btrfs-convert is an amazing feature and it will be extremely sad if it ever
goes away.

With respect,

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