On 2015-11-13 09:51, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Dmitry Katsubo <dm...@mail.ru> wrote:
If so then I
think this is a trap, and mkfs.btrfs should at least warn (or require
--force) if two partitions are on the same drive for raid1/raid5/raid10.

Does mdadm warn in the same situation? LVM?

There are some assumptions being made about the end user's
understanding of the system they're working on, and those assumptions
aren't unreasonable. But I'm not opposed to an informational message.
LVM doesn't, and I don't think MDADM does. With LVM things are handled differently from mkfs, you either specify which specific PV's you want the LV to be on (in which case it's perfectly reasonable to assume you know what you're doing), or you let LVM try to find optimal placement (using a similar algorithm to how BTRFS decides what device a new chunk goes on), and it doesn't check that the PV's are on different disks (and in fact, even if it did, you could use pvmove to force them onto the same disk anyway), but either way it refuses to let you have more copies than you have PV's for a RAID set. I'm not certain about how MDADM handles things, but I don't think that it warns about having multiple components for a given RAID set on the same disk.

Regardless of what LVM and MDADM do, it's not unreasonable to assume that people will make the assumption that BTRFS is smart enough to balance things properly (too many people don't do any research about a program before trying to use it, and I must commend Jim for taking the time to verify whether things would behave like he wanted them to), so I do think that putting a warning in would be a good idea. This won't be perfect of course, because people (myself included) use BTRFS on top of DM (be it LVM, dmcrypt, or something else), MD, and other intervening block layers, so we can't just try sub-string matching on the device names.

We absolutely should not refuse to let the user do this if they want to however, as there are people who use RAID1 on a single disk for the protection against corruption, even though it doesn't protect against hardware failure (although there is a patch on the ML for using dup profile for data chunks, so hopefully this practice will become less common in the near future).

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