On Sat, 2015-11-28 at 11:34 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
> It sounds to me like maybe LUKS is configured to use an encryption
> algorithm that isn't subject to CPU optimized support, e.g. aes-xts
> on
> my laptop gets 1600MiB/s where serpent-cbc gets only 68MiB/s and pegs
> the CPU. This is reported by 'cryptsetup benchmark'

$ /sbin/cryptsetup benchmark
# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
PBKDF2-sha1       910222 iterations per second
PBKDF2-sha256     590414 iterations per second
PBKDF2-sha512     399609 iterations per second
PBKDF2-ripemd160  548418 iterations per second
PBKDF2-whirlpool  179060 iterations per second
#  Algorithm | Key |  Encryption |  Decryption
     aes-cbc   128b   474,3 MiB/s  1686,2 MiB/s
 serpent-cbc   128b    69,4 MiB/s   235,3 MiB/s
 twofish-cbc   128b   144,5 MiB/s   271,6 MiB/s
     aes-cbc   256b   348,0 MiB/s  1239,4 MiB/s
 serpent-cbc   256b    68,8 MiB/s   231,5 MiB/s
 twofish-cbc   256b   146,6 MiB/s   268,9 MiB/s
     aes-xts   256b  1381,3 MiB/s  1384,3 MiB/s
 serpent-xts   256b   238,6 MiB/s   231,1 MiB/s
 twofish-xts   256b   262,9 MiB/s   266,7 MiB/s
     aes-xts   512b  1085,7 MiB/s  1078,9 MiB/s
 serpent-xts   512b   242,1 MiB/s   230,2 MiB/s
 twofish-xts   512b   266,8 MiB/s   265,9 MiB/s

I'm having aes-xts-plain64 with 512 bit key...
that's still 1 GiB/s


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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