On 2015-12-09 22:56, Duncan wrote:
> Austin S Hemmelgarn posted on Wed, 09 Dec 2015 14:04:06 -0500 as
> excerpted:
>> Agreed.  It's not too bad fixing a Gentoo system (as long as
>> /var/lib/portage/world is still correct, you can just nuke the installed
>> package database and emerge world, it'll take time, but it will get your
>> system in a guaranteed consistent state).
> For sufficiently loose values of "consistent", yes, as I found out by 
> experience.  But it can be done, and I do have the experience to prove it.
> What happens in practice is that while yes, as long as @world is correct 
> you can install to current and have all those files tracked again as 
> appropriate, if your package installation database is missing or out of 
> sync with what's actually on your filesystem(s), where the new version of 
> various packages will replace older files as they come across them during 
> the install process (subject to CONFIG_PROTECT of course, this part isn't 
> the problem), the problem is actually where the files of the actually 
> installed but untracked version differ from those of the version you're 
> installing.
Oh, definately, it's a useable system short term, but not something you
should be depending on.  The other big difference though is that it's
then trivial to bootstrap a clean install on the same system if you have
the space for it (which is what I usually end up doing).

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