On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 11:35:08PM +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Hi!
> For me it is still not production ready. Again I ran into:
> btrfs kworker thread uses up 100% of a Sandybridge core for minutes on random 
> write into big file
> https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90401
Sorry you're having issues. I haven't seen this before myself.
I couldn't find the kernel version you're using in your Email or the bug
you filed (quick scan).

That's kind of important :)

> No matter whether SLES 12 uses it as default for root, no matter whether 
> Fujitsu and Facebook use it: I will not let this onto any customer machine 
> without lots and lots of underprovisioning and rigorous free space 
> monitoring. 
> Actually I will renew my recommendations in my trainings to be careful with 
> From my experience the monitoring would check for:
> merkaba:~> btrfs fi show /home
> Label: 'home'  uuid: […]
>         Total devices 2 FS bytes used 156.31GiB
>         devid    1 size 170.00GiB used 164.13GiB path /dev/mapper/msata-home
>         devid    2 size 170.00GiB used 164.13GiB path /dev/mapper/sata-home
> If "used" is same as "size" then make big fat alarm. It is not sufficient for 
> it to happen. It can run for quite some time just fine without any issues, 
> but 
> I never have seen a kworker thread using 100% of one core for extended period 
> of time blocking everything else on the fs without this condition being met.
> In addition to that last time I tried it aborts scrub any of my BTRFS 
> filesstems. Reported in another thread here that got completely ignored so 
> far. I think I could go back to 4.2 kernel to make this work.
> I am not going to bother to go into more detail on any on this, as I get the 
> impression that my bug reports and feedback get ignored. So I spare myself 
> the 
> time to do this work for now.
> Only thing I wonder now whether this all could be cause my /home is already 
> more than one and a half year old. Maybe newly created filesystems are 
> created 
> in a way that prevents these issues? But it already has a nice global reserve:
> merkaba:~> btrfs fi df /
> Data, RAID1: total=27.98GiB, used=24.07GiB
> System, RAID1: total=19.00MiB, used=16.00KiB
> Metadata, RAID1: total=2.00GiB, used=536.80MiB
> GlobalReserve, single: total=192.00MiB, used=0.00B
> Actually when I see that this free space thing is still not fixed for good I 
> wonder whether it is fixable at all. Is this an inherent issue of BTRFS or 
> more generally COW filesystem design?
> I think it got somewhat better. It took much longer to come into that state 
> again than last time, but still, blocking like this is *no* option for a 
> *production ready* filesystem.
> I am seriously consider to switch to XFS for my production laptop again. 
> Cause 
> I never saw any of these free space issues with any of the XFS or Ext4 
> filesystems I used in the last 10 years.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Martin
> --
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