On 2015-12-14 16:26, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 6:23 AM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn
<ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:

Agreed, if yo9u can't substantiate _why_ it's bad practice, then you aren't
making a valid argument.  The fact that there is software that doesn't
handle it well would say to me based on established practice that that
software is what's broken, not common practice.

The automobile is invented and due to the ensuing chaos, common
practice of doing whatever the F you wanted came to an end in favor of
rules of the road and traffic lights. I'm sure some people went
ballistic, but for the most part things were much better without the
brokenness or prior common practice.
Except for one thing: Automobiles actually provide a measurable significant benefit to society. What specific benefit does embedding the filesystem UUID in the metadata actually provide?

So the fact we're going to have this problem with all file systems
that incorporate the volume UUID into the metadata stream, tells me
that the very rudimentary common practice of using dd needs to go
away, in general practice. I've already said data recovery (including
forensics) and sticking drives away on a shelf could be reasonable.

The assumption that a UUID is actually unique is an inherently flawed one,
because it depends both on the method of generation guaranteeing it's unique
(and none of the defined methods guarantee that), and a distinct absence of
malicious intent.

"A UUID is 128 bits long, and can guarantee uniqueness across space and time."

Also see security considerations in section 6.
Both aspects ignore the facts that:
Version 1 is easy to cause a collision with (MAC addresses are by no means unique, and are easy to spoof, and so are timestamps). Version 2 is relatively easy to cause a collision with, because UID and GID numbers are a fixed size namespace. Version 3 is slightly better, but still not by any means unique because you just have to guess the seed string (or a collision for it). Version 4 is probably the hardest to get a collision with, but only if you are using a true RNG, and evne then, 122 bits of entropy is not much protection. Version 5 has the same issues as Version 3, but is more secure against hash collisions.

In general, you should only use UUID's when either:
a. You have absolutely 100% complete control of the storage of them, such that you can guarantee they don't get reused.
b. They can be guaranteed to be relatively unique for the system using them.

On that note, why exactly is it better to make the filesystem UUID such an
integral part of the filesystem?  The other thing I'm reading out of this
all, is that by writing a total of 64 bytes to a specific location in a
single disk in a multi-device BTRFS filesystem, you can make the whole
filesystem fall apart, which is absolutely absurd.

OK maybe I'm  missing something.

1. UUID is 128 bits. So where are you getting the additional 48 bytes from?
2. The volume UUID is in every superblock, which for all practical
purposes means at least two instances of that UUID per device.

Are you saying the file system falls apart when changing just one of
those volume UUIDs in one superblock? And how does it fall apart? I'd
say all volume UUID instances (each superblock, on every device)
should be checked and if any of them mismatch then fail to mount.
You're right, it would probably take writing all the SB's (although I'm not 100% certain that we actually check that the SB UUID's match). The extra bytes, which I grossly miscalculated, are for the SB checksum, which would have to be updated to match the new SB.

There could be some leveraging of the device WWN, or absent that its
serial number, propogated into all of the volume's devices (cross
referencing each other's devid to WWN or serial). And then that way
there's a way to differentiate. In the dd case, there would be
mismatching real device WWN/serial number and the one written in
metadata on all drives, including the copy. This doesn't say what
policy should happen next, just that at least it's known there's a

That gets tricky too, because for example you have stuff like flat files used as filesystem images.

However, if we then use some separate UUID (possibly hashed off of the file location) in place of the device serial/WWN, that could theoretically provide some better protection. The obvious solution in the case of a mismatch would be to refuse the mount until either the issue is fixed using the tools, or the user specifies some particular mount option to either fix ti automatically, or ignore copies with a mismatching serial.

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