Goffredo Baroncelli posted on Wed, 23 Dec 2015 19:20:32 +0100 as

> Ducan talked about a N-way mirroring, where each disks contains a copy
> of the same data. Nobody talked about N-way mirroring where N is less
> than the number of the available disks.

Well, to be fair, I did /try/ to talk about raid10 in the context of N-
way-mirroring, as *one*future*option*, which would let you do say 3-way-
mirroring, 2-way-striping, using six devices, giving you that choice in 
addition to the current 3-way-striping, 2-way-mirroring, that's the only 
current choice for btrfs raid10 with six devices, since it's limited to 

But obviously I was more confusing than clear, since you apparently 
didn't see that bit at all, and he saw it, but apparently ended up more 
confused than helped by it, possibly due to trying to apply that 
discussion to a larger scope than the limited one-future-option scope 
that I had originally intended.

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