Am Mon, 4 Apr 2016 13:57:50 -0600
schrieb Chris Murphy <>:

> On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Kai Krakow <>
> wrote:
> >  
>  [...]  
> >>
> >> ?  
> >
> > In the following sense: I should disable the automounter and backup
> > job for the seed device while I let my data migrate back to main
> > storage in the background...  
> The sprout can be written to just fine by the backup, just understand
> that the seed and sprout volume UUID are different. Your automounter
> is probably looking for the seed's UUID, and that seed can only be
> mounted ro. The sprout UUID however can be mounted rw.
> I would probably skip the automounter. Do the seed setup, mount it,
> add all devices you're planning to add, then -o remount,rw,compress...
> , and then activate the backup. But maybe your backup also is looking
> for UUID? If so, that needs to be updated first. Once the balance
> -dconvert=raid1 and -mconvert=raid1 is finished, then you can remove
> the seed device. And now might be a good time to give the raid1 a new
> label, I think it inherits the label of the seed but I'm not certain
> of this.
> > My intention is to use fully my system while btrfs migrates the data
> > from seed to main storage. Then, afterwards I'd like to continue
> > using the seed device for backups.
> >
> > I'd probably do the following:
> >
> > 1. create btrfs pool, attach seed  
> I don't understand that step in terms of commands. Sprouts are made
> with btrfs dev add, not with mkfs. There is no pool creation. You make
> a seed. You mount it. Add devices to it. Then remount it.

Hmm, yes. I didn't think this through into detail yet. It actually
works that way. I more commonly referenced to the general approach.

But I think this answers my question... ;-)

> > 2. recreate my original subvolume structure by snapshotting the
> > backup scratch area multiple times into each subvolume
> > 3. rearrange the files in each subvolume to match their intended
> > use by using rm and mv
> > 4. reboot into full system
> > 4. remove all left-over snapshots from the seed
> > 5. remove (detach) the seed device  
> You have two 4's.

Oh... Sorry... I think one week of 80 work hours, and another of 60 was
a bit too much... ;-)

> Anyway the 2nd 4 is not possible. The seed is ro by definition so you
> can't remove snapshots from the seed. If you remove them from the
> mounted rw sprout volume, they're removed from the sprout, not the
> seed. If you want them on the sprout, but not on the seed, you need to
> delete snapshots only after the seed is a.) removed from the sprout
> and b.) made no longer a seed with btrfstune -S 0 and c.) mounted rw.

If I understand right, the seed device won't change? So whatever action
I apply to the sprout pool, I can later remove the seed from the pool
and it will still be kind of untouched. Except, I'll have to return it
no non-seed mode (step b).

Why couldn't/shouldn't I remove snapshots before detaching the seed
device? I want to keep them on the seed but they are useless to me on
the sprout.

What happens to the UUIDs when I separate seed and sprout?

This is my layout:

/dev/sde1 contains my backup storage: btrfs with multiple weeks worth
of retention in form of ro snapshots, and one scratch area in which the
backup is performed. Snapshots are created from the scratch area. The
scratch area is one single subvolume updated by rsync.

I want to turn this into a seed for my newly created btrfs pool. This
one has subvolumes for /home, /home/my_user, /distribution_name/rootfs
and a few more (like var/log etc).

Since the backup is not split by those subvolumes but contains just the
single runtime view of my system rootfs, I'm planning to clone this
single subvolume back into each of my previously used subvolumes which
in turn of course now contain all the same complete filesystem tree.
Thus, in the next step, I'm planning to mv/rm the contents to get back
to the original subvolume structure - mv should be a fast operation
here, rm probably not so but I don't bother. I could defer that until
later by moving those rm-candidates into some trash folder per

Now, I still have the ro-snapshots worth of multiple weeks of
retention. I only need those in my backup storage, not in the storage
proposed to become my bootable system. So I'd simply remove them. I
could also defer that until later easily.

This should get my system back into working state pretty fast and
easily if I didn't miss a point.

I'd now reboot into the system to see if it's working. By then, it's
time for some cleanup (remove the previously deferred "trashes" and
retention snapshots), then separate the seed from the sprout. During
that time, I could already use my system again while it's migrating for
me in the background.

I'd then return the seed back to non-seed, so it can take the role of
my backup storage again. I'd do a rebalance now.

During the whole process, the backup storage will still stay safe for
me. If something goes wrong, I could easily start over.

Did I miss something? Is it too much of an experimental kind of stuff?

BTW: The way it is arranged now, the backup storage is bootable by
setting the scratch area subvolume as the rootfs on kernel cmdline,
USB drivers are included in the kernel, it's tested and works. I guess,
this isn't possible while the backup storage acts as a seed device? But
I have an initrd with latest btrfs-progs on my boot device (which is an
UEFI ESP, so not related to btrfs at all), I should be able to use that
to revert changes preventing me from booting.


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