On 2016-06-06 01:44, Kai Hendry wrote:
Hi there,

I planned to remove one of my disks, so that I can take it from
Singapore to the UK and then re-establish another remote RAID1 store.

delete is an alias of remove, so I added a new disk (devid 3) and
proceeded to run:
btrfs device delete /dev/sdc1 /mnt/raid1 (devid 1)

nuc:~$ uname -a
Linux nuc 4.5.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 11 22:21:28 CEST 2016
x86_64 GNU/Linux
nuc:~$   btrfs --version
btrfs-progs v4.5.3
nuc:~$ sudo btrfs fi show /mnt/raid1/
Label: 'extraid1'  uuid: 5cab2a4a-e282-4931-b178-bec4c73cdf77
        Total devices 2 FS bytes used 776.56GiB
        devid    2 size 931.48GiB used 778.03GiB path /dev/sdb1
        devid    3 size 1.82TiB used 778.03GiB path /dev/sdd1

nuc:~$ sudo btrfs fi df /mnt/raid1/
Data, RAID1: total=775.00GiB, used=774.39GiB
System, RAID1: total=32.00MiB, used=144.00KiB
Metadata, RAID1: total=3.00GiB, used=2.17GiB
GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B

First off, I was expecting btrfs to release the drive pretty much
immediately. The command took about half a day to complete. I watched
`btrfs fi show` to see size of devid 1 (the one I am trying to remove)
to be zero and to see used space slowly go down whilst used space of
devid 3 (the new disk) slowly go up.
If you're using multiple devices, BTRFS has to move any data off of the device being removed onto other devices in the FS before it can remove it. Not doing so runs the risk of another disk failing before the balance that would otherwise be needed afterwards to maintain replication profiles completes, thus causing a loss of data.

Secondly and most importantly my /dev/sdc1 can't be mounted now anymore.
Deleting the device from the array removes the data from it (as mentioned above), and wipes all BTRFS specific signatures as well.

sudo mount -t btrfs /dev/sdc1 /mnt/test/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error

       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail or so.

There is nothing in dmesg nor my journal. I wasn't expecting my drive to
be rendered useless on removing or am I missing something?
If your getting such a message and there's nothing in dmesg, then it's because there's no filesystem of the requested type on the device you specified.

nuc:~$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc
Disk /dev/sdc: 931.5 GiB, 1000204885504 bytes, 1953525167 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 33553920 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 19938642-3B10-4220-BF99-3E12AF1D1CF6

Device     Start        End    Sectors   Size Type
/dev/sdc1   2048 1953525133 1953523086 931.5G Linux filesystem

On #btrfs IRC channel I'm told:

<Knorrie> hendry: breaking multi-disk filesystems in half is not a
recommended way to do "normal operations" :D
Which is exactly correct. Trying to split off a single device the way you want is extremely dangerous and risks breaking the source filesystem as well as not having a complete copy of the data on the receiving end.

I'm still keen to take a TB on a flight with me the day after tomorrow.
What is the recommended course of action? Recreate a mkfs.btrfs on
/dev/sdc1 and send data to it from /mnt/raid1?
Based on the fact that you appear to want to carry a disk to copy data more quickly than over then internet, then what you've already done plus this is the correct way to do it.

Still I hope the experience could be improved to remove a disk sanely.
It did exactly what you told it to, it removed the device from the array. The misunderstanding here is as to what that means. Removing a disk from a BTRFS filesystem means that you can't mount that disk anymore, and for all intents and purposes, it is now blank media (in practice, it only wipes the superblocks and some of the metadata, but that's irrelevant to what your asking, as you can't recover the filesystem from what's left).
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