Am 07.07.2016 um 19:40 schrieb Chris Murphy:
And very clearly from the OP's output from 'btrfs sub list' there are
no subvolumes with @ in the path, so there is no subvolume @, nor are
there any subvolumes contained in a directory @.


Anyway the reason why the command fails is stated in the error
message. The system appears to be installed in the top level of the
file system (subvolid=5), and that can't be deleted. First it's the
immutable first subvolume of a Btrfs file system, and second it's
populated with other subvolumes which would inhibit its removal even
if it weren't the top level subvolume.

What can be done is delete the directories in the top level, retaining
the subvolumes that are there.
Thank you, that was it: there was really no subvolume named @ existing. Thank you to Henk and Andrei, too. I didn't believed that, although there was no @ from ot the output of "btrfs sub list", because all websites that dealt with this topic and which I used for research statet that a subvolume named @ would automatically be created (or I misunderstood the sites), and secondly, because the ID of the top level volume is in my case 5, and I (mis)understand, in cases where's the subvolume "@" automatically created, the ID of that subvolume would be also 5. I created now myself a subvolume "@" on the top level volume, moved then all the data from the snapshot, which I used the last days, to the new subvolume, and deleted then all data from the top level volume, except the sub level volume @ of course, and made previously a backup snapshot from the top level volume. Other users who reading later here and want to move their data from top level volume should able to do the same.

If here any developers read along: I'd like to suggest that there's automatically made a subvolume "@" by default, which is set as default subvolume, or a tip to the distribution, that it would made sense to do that with the installation. It would protect other users against confusion and work like I had it.

Thank you,
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