08.07.2016 04:24, Duncan пишет:
> Corey Coughlin posted on Wed, 06 Jul 2016 23:40:30 -0700 as excerpted:
>> Well yeah, if I was mounting all the disks to different mount points, I
>> would definitely use UUIDs to get them mounted.  But I haven't seen any
>> way to set up a "mkfs.btrfs" command to use UUID or anything else for
>> individual drives.  Am I missing something?  I've been doing a lot of
>> googling.
> FWIW, you can use the /dev/disk/by-*/* symlinks (as normally setup by 
> udev) to reference various devices.

Current udev ships rule that calls equivalent of "btrfs device ready
$dev", where $dev is the canonical kernel device name. btrfs kernel
driver will update internal list of device names when it gets this
ioctl, which means that unless you explicitly pass full list of
/dev/disk/by-*/* during mount you will see those kernel names.

And even then as soon as device for some reason dis- and re-appears (as
is apparently the case here) it will be renamed back by udev when "add"
event is seen.
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