On 20.07.2016 11:15 Libor Klepáč wrote:
> Hello,
> we use backuppc to backup our hosting machines.
> I have recently migrated it to btrfs, so we can use send-recieve for offsite 
> backups of our backups.
> I have several btrfs volumes, each hosts nspawn container, which runs in 
> /system subvolume and has backuppc data in /backuppc subvolume
> .
> I use btrbk to do snapshots and transfer.
> Local side is set to keep 5 daily snapshots, remote side to hold some 
> history. (not much yet, i'm using it this way for few weeks).
> If you know backuppc behaviour: for every backup (even incremental), it 
> creates full directory tree of each backed up machine even if it has no 
> modified files and places one small file in each, which holds some info for 
> backuppc. 
> So after few days i ran into ENOSPACE on one volume, because my metadata 
> grow, because of inlineing.
> I switched from mdata=DUP to mdata=single (now I see it's possible to change 
> inline file size, right?).
I am biased, but UrBackup works like BackupPC, except it has a client,
and like btrbk puts every backup into a separate btrfs sub-volume with
snapshotting reducing metadata workload. Then you could create read-only
snapshots from the UrBackup sub-volumes and use e.g. buttersink to copy
those to another btrfs.

So maybe try that?


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