2016-06-03 14:43 GMT+02:00 Austin S. Hemmelgarn <ahferro...@gmail.com>:
> Also, since you're on a new enough kernel, try 'lazytime' in the mount 
> options as well, this defers all on-disk timestamp updates for up to 24 hours 
> or until the inode gets written out anyway, but keeps the updated info in 
> memory.  The only downside to this is that mtimes might not be correct after 
> an unclean shutdown, but most software will have no issues with this.

Hi all,

Sorry for reviving this old thread, and probably it's not the best
place to ask about this... but I added the "noatime" option in fstab,
restarted the system, and now I think I should try "lazytime" too (as
I like the idea to have proper atimes with delayed writing to disk).
So now I'd just like to test the "lazytime" mount option without

I remounted the file system like this:

mount -o remount,lazytime /

But now the FS still has the "noatime" mount option, which I guess
renders "lazytime" ineffective. I thought they are supposed to be
mutually exclusive, so I'm actually surprised that I can have both
mount options at the same time.

Now my mount looks like this:

/dev/mapper/centrevg-rootlv on / type btrfs

I also tried to explicitly add "atime" to negate "noatime" (man mount
says "atime" is the option to disable "noatime"), like this:

mount -o remount,atime,lazytime /

But the "noatime" option still stays. Why? Is it a BTRFS specific
issue, or does it reside in another layer?

By the way, is it valid to mount BTRFS subvolumes with different atime
policies? Then how do child subvolumes behave?
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