Is there some simple muddling of meta data that could be done to force
dup meta data on deduping SSDs? Like a simple 'random' byte repeated
often enough it would defeat any sane dedup? I know it would waste
data but clearly that is considered worth it with dup metadata (what
is the difference between 50% metadata efficiency and 45%?)

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Dave T posted on Wed, 10 Aug 2016 18:01:44 -0400 as excerpted:
>> Does anyone have any thoughts about using dup mode for metadata on a
>> Samsung 950 Pro (or any NVMe drive)?
> The biggest problem with dup on ssds is that some ssds (particularly the
> ones with the sandforce controllers) do dedup, so you'd be having btrfs
> do dup while the filesystem dedups, to no effect except more cpu and
> device processing!
> (The other argument for single on ssd that I've seen is that because the
> FTL ultimately places the data, and because both copies are written at
> the same time, there's a good chance that the FTL will write them into
> the same erase block and area, and a defect in one will likely be a
> defect in the other as well.  That may or may not be, I'm not qualified
> to say, but as explained below, I do choose to take my chances on that
> and thus do run dup on ssd.)
> So as long as the SSD doesn't have a deduping FTL, I'd suggest dup for
> metadata on ssd does make sense.  Data... not so sure on, but certainly
> metadata, because one bad block of metadata can be many messed up files.
> On my ssds here, which I know don't do dedup, most of my btrfs are raid1
> on the pair of ssds.  However, /boot is different since I can't really
> point grub at two different /boots, so I have my working /boot on one
> device, with the backup /boot on the other, and the grub on each one
> pointed at its respective /boot, so I can select working or backup /boot
> from the BIOS and it'll just work.  Since /boot is so small, it's mixed-
> mode chunks, meaning data and metadata are mixed together and the
> redundancy mode applies to both at once instead of each separately.  And
> I chose dup, so it's dup for both data and metadata.
> Works fine, dup for both data and metadata on non-deduping ssds, but of
> course that means data takes double the space since there's two copies of
> it, and that gets kind of expensive on ssd, if it's more than the
> fraction of a GiB that's /boot.
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman
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Gareth Pye -
Level 2 MTG Judge, Melbourne, Australia
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