Am 30.08.2016 um 02:48 schrieb Qu Wenruo:
> Yes.
> And more specifically, it doesn't even affect delta backup.
> For shared extents caused by reflink/dedupe(out-of-band or even incoming 
> in-band), it will be send as individual files.
> For contents, they are all the same, just more space usage.

For those interested, I have now actually tested the btrfs send / btrfs receive 
backup for several subvolumes after applying this patch. 
The throughput is finally usable, almost hitting network / IO limits as 
expected - ideal so far! 
Also delta seemed fine for the subvolumes for which things worked. 

However, I now sadly get (for one of my subvolumes): 

send ioctl failed with -2: No such file or directory

at some point during the transfer, it sadly seems to be reproducible. 
I do not think it's related to this patch, but of course this makes "btrfs 
send" still unusable to me - 
I guess it's not ready for general use just yet. 
Is there any information I can easily extract / provide to allow the experts to 
fix this issue?
The kernel log shows nothing. 

Thanks a lot, 
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