Am Sun, 21 Aug 2016 02:19:33 +0000 (UTC)
schrieb Duncan <>:

> Chris Murphy posted on Sat, 20 Aug 2016 18:36:21 -0600 as excerpted:
> > FAT leaves a lot to be desired but it's pretty universally
> > supported and almost trivial to repair *if* the volume is
> > repairable in the first place. The much bigger issue with ESP on
> > Linux is this neurotic tendency of distros to persistently mount
> > shit that does not need to be mounted. Like the ESP, and even the
> > dedicated boot volume. They only need to be mounted when being
> > updated and then should be umounted. And worse the convention is to
> > do nested mount with /boot and then /boot/efi for the ESP so it's
> > twice as bad a practice. By virtue of mounting the ESP the dirty
> > bit is set, so any crash means it must be fsck'd and if that
> > doesn't work, it's game over for that volume. Fragile setup.  
> Depends on the distro.  On gentoo, you set it up the way you want of 
> course, but the recommendation has always been /boot, and now the
> ESP, not mounted by default.
> But that would be /expected/ on gentoo, since being able to configure
> it the way you want is the whole /point/ of running gentoo in the
> first place.  Sort of like arch, only much more so.

systemd systems (I'm booting Gentoo with systemd) should auto-mount ESP
to /boot on access, and auto-unmount after a short timeout. So the
solution to this problem is already wired into systemd if you use (a)
proper GPT setup (with correct GUIDs) and (b) do not mention /boot in


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