
On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 04:14:04AM +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> In general:
> - I think another column should be added, which tells when and for
>   which kernel version the feature-status of each row was 
>   revised/updated the last time and especially by whom.
>   If a core dev makes a statement on a particular feature, this
>   probably means much more, than if it was made by "just" a list
>   regular.

It's going to be revised per release. If there's a bug that affect the
status, the page will be updated. I'm going to do that among other
per-release regular boring tasks.

I'm still not decided if the kernel version will be useful enough, but
if anybody is willing to do the research and fill the table I don't

>   And yes I know, in the beginning it already says "this is for 4.7"...
>   but let's be honest, it's pretty likely when this is bumped to 4.8
>   that not each and every point will be thoroughly checked again.
> - Optionally even one further column could be added, that lists bugs
>   where the specific cases are kept record of (if any).

There's a new section under the table to write anything that would not
fit. Mostly pointers to other documentation (manual pages) or bugzilla.

> - Perhaps a 3rd Status like "eats-your-data" which is worse than
>   critical, e.g. for things were it's known that there is a high
>   chance for still getting data corruption (RAID56?)
> Perhaps there should be another section that lists general caveats
> and pitfalls including:
> - defrag/auto-defrag causes ref-link break up (which in turn causes
>   possible extensive space being eaten up)

Updated accordingly.

> - nodatacow files are not yet[0] checksummed, which in turn means
>   that any errors (especially silent data corruption) will not be
>   noticed AND which in turn also means the data itself cannot be
>   repaired even in case of RAIDs (only the RAIDs are made consistent
>   again)

Added to the table.

> - subvolume UUID attacks discussed in the recent thread
> - fs/device UUID collisions
>   - the accidental corruption that can happen in case colliding
>     fs/device UUIDs appear in a system (and telling the user that
>     this is e.g. the case when dd'ing and image or using lvm
>     snapshots, probably also when having btrfs on MD RAID1 or RAID10)
>   - the attacks that are possible when UUIDs are known to an attacker

That's more like a usecase, thats out of the scope of the tabular
overview. But we have an existing page UseCases that I'd like to
transform to a more structured and complete overview of usceases of
various features, so the UUID collisions would build on top of that with
"and this could hapen if ...".

> - in-band dedupe
>   deduped are IIRC not bitwise compared by the kernel before de-duping,
>   as it's the case with offline dedupe.
>   Even if this is considered safe by the community... I think users
>   should be told.

Only features merged are reflected. And the out-of-band dedupe does full
memcpy. See btrfs_cmp_data() called from btrfs_extent_same().

> - btrfs check --repair (and others?)
>   Telling people that this may often cause more harm than good.

I think userspace tools do not belong to the overview.

> - even mounting a fs ro, may cause it to be changed

This would go to the UseCases

> - DB/VM-image like IO patterns + nodatacow + (!)checksumming
>   + (auto)defrag + snapshots
>   a)
>   People typically may have the impression:
>   btrfs = checksummed => als is guaranteed to be "valid" (or at least
>   noticed)
>   However this isn't the case for nodatacow'ed files, which in turn is
>   kinda "mandatory" for DB/VM-image like IO patterns, cause otherwise
>   these would fragment to heavily (see (b).
>   Unless claimed by some people, none of the major DBs or VM-image
>   formats do general checksumming on their own, most even don't support
>   it, some that do wouldn't do it without app-support and few "just"
>   don't do it per default.
>   Thus one should bump people to this situation and that they may not
>   get this "correctness" guarantee here.
>   b)
>   IIRC, it doesn't even help to simply not use nodatacow on such files
>   and using auto-defrag instead to countermeasure the fragmenting, as
>   that one doesn't perform too well on large files.


> For specific features:
> - Autodefrag
>   - didn't that also cause reflinks to be broken up?

No and never had.

> that should be
>     mentioned than as well, as it is (more or less) for defrag and
>     people could then assume it's not the case for autodefrag (which I
>     did initially)
>   - wasn't it said that autodefrag performs bad with files > ~1GB?
>     Perhaps that should be mentioned too
> - defrag
>   "extents get unshared" is IMO not an adequate description for the end
>   user,... it should perhaps link to the defrag article and there
>   explain in detail that any ref-linked files will be broken up, which
>   means space usage will increase, and may especially explode in case
>   of snapshots

Added more verbose description.

> - all the RAID56 related points
>   wasn't there recently a thread that discussed a more serious bug,
>   where parity was wrongly re-calculated which in turn caused actual
>   data corruption?
>   I think if that's still an issue "write hole still exists, parity
>   not checksummed" is not enough but one should emphasize that data may
>   easily be corrupted.

There's a separate page for raid56 listing all known problems but I
don't see this one there.

> - RAID*
>   No userland tools for monitoring/etc.

That's a usability bug.

> - Device replace 
>   IIRC, CM told me that this may cause severe troubles on RAID56
> Also, the current matrix talks about "auto-repair"... what's that? (=>
> should be IMO explained). 


> Last but not least, perhaps this article may also be the place to
> document 3rd party things and how far they work stable with btrfs.
> For example:
> - Which grub version supports booting from it? Which features does it
>   [not] support (e.g. which RAIDs, skinny-extents, etc.)?
> - Which forensic tools (e.g. things like testdisk) do work with btrfs?
> - Which are still maintained/working dedupe userland tools (and are
>   they stable?)

This is getting a bit out of the scope. If the information on our wiki
is static, ie 'grub2 since 2.02~beta18 supports something', then ok, but
we still should point readers to the official wikis or documentation.

Auditing the bootloaders for btrfs support is one of the unclaimed
project ideas.

> [0] Yeah I know, a number of list regulars constantly tried to convince
>     me that this wasn't possible per se, but a recent discussion I had
>     with CM seemed to have revealed (unless I understood it wrong) that
>     it wouldn't be generally impossible at all.
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