
I have to build a RAID 6 with the following 3 requirements:

        • Use different kinds of disks with different sizes.
        • When a disk fails and there's enough space, the RAID should be able 
to reconstruct itself out of the degraded state. Meaning, if I have e. g. a 
RAID with 8 disks and 1 fails, I should be able to chose to transform this in a 
non-degraded (!) RAID with 7 disks.
        • Also the other way round: If I add a disk of what size ever, it 
should redistribute the data, so that it becomes a RAID with 9 disks.

I don’t care, if I have to do it manually.
I don’t care so much about speed either.

Is BTrFS capable of doing that?

Thanks a lot for your help!

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