Fails on Antergos Linux 4.8.2-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 17
08:11:46 CEST 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux

btrfs-progs v4.8.1

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:05 PM, Chris Murphy <> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Roman Mamedov <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 10 Oct 2016 10:44:39 +0100
>> Martin Dev <> wrote:
>>> I work for system verification of SSDs and we've recently come up
>>> against an issue with BTRFS on Ubuntu 16.04
>>> This seems to be a recent change
>> ...well, a change in what?
>> If you really didn't change anything on your machines and the used process,
>> there is no reason for anything to start breaking, other than obvious 
>> hardware
>> issues from age/etc (likely not what's happening here).
>> So you most likely did change something yourself, and perhaps the change was
>> upgrading OS version, kernel version(!!!), or versions of software in 
>> general.
>> As such, the first suggestion would be go through the recent software updates
>> history, maybe even restore an OS image you used three months ago (if
>> available) and confirm that the problem doesn't occur there. After that it's 
>> a
>> process called bisecting, there are tools for that, but likely you don't even
>> need those yet, just carefully note when you got which upgrades, paying
>> highest attention to the kernel version, and note at which point the
>> corruptions start to occur.
> There  have been various trim bugs, in Btrfs but also in the block
> layer. And I don't remember all the different versions involved.  I'd
> like to think 4.4.24 should behave the same as 4.8.1, so I would
> retest with those two, using something without ubuntu specific
> backports (i.e. something as close to the trees of those
> versions as possible). I have no idea what Ubuntu generic 4.4.0-21
> translates into. Because of the 0, it makes me think it's literally
> 4.4.0 with 21 sets of various backports, from some unknown time frame
> without going and looking it up. If that's really 4.4.21, then it's
> weirdly named, I don't know why any distro would do that.
> In any case I would compare 4.8.1 and 4.4.24 because those two should
> work and if not it's a bug that needs to get fixed. Independently,
> check the SSD firmware. There have been bugs there also.
> --
> Chris Murphy
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