On 23.11.2016 07:09 Duncan wrote:
> Yes, you're in a *serious* metadata bind.
> Any time global reserve has anything above zero usage, it means the 
> filesystem is in dire straits, and well over half of your global reserve 
> is used, a state that is quite rare as btrfs really tries hard not to use 
> that space at all under normal conditions and under most conditions will 
> ENOSPC before using the reserve at all.
> And the global reserve comes from metadata but isn't accounted in 
> metadata usage, so your available metadata is actually negative by the 
> amount of global reserve used.
> Meanwhile, all available space is allocated to either data or metadata 
> chunks already -- no unallocated space left to allocate new metadata 
> chunks to take care of the problem (well, ~1 MiB unallocated, but that's 
> not enough to allocate a chunk, metadata chunks being nominally 256 MiB 
> in size and with metadata dup, a pair of metadata chunks must be 
> allocated together, so 512 MiB would be needed, and of course even if the 
> 1 MiB could be allocated, it'd be ~1/2 MiB worth of metadata due to 
> metadata-dup and you're 300+ MiB into global reserve, so it wouldn't even 
> come close to fixing the problem).
> Now normally, as mentioned in the ENOSPC discussion in the FAQ on the 
> wiki, temporarily adding (btrfs device add) another device of some GiB 
> (32 GiB should do reasonably well, 8 GiB may, a USB thumb drive of 
> suitable size can be used if necessary) and using the space it makes 
> available to do a balance (-dusage= incrementing from 0 to perhaps 30 to 
> 70 percent, higher numbers will take longer and may not work at first) in 
> ordered to combine partially used chunks and free enough space to then 
> remove (btrfs device remove) the temporarily added device.
> However, in your case the data usage is 488 of 508 GiB on a 512 GiB 
> device with space needed for several GiB of metadata as well, so while in 
> theory you could free up ~20 GiB of space that way and that should get 
> you out of the immediate bind, the filesystem will still be very close to 
> full, particularly after clearing out the global reserve usage, with 
> perhaps 16 GiB unallocated at ideal, ~97% used.  And as any veteran 
> sysadmin or filesystem expert will tell you, filesystems in general like 
> 10-20% free in ordered to be able to "breath" or work most efficiently, 
> with btrfs being no exception, so while the above might get you out of 
> the immediate bind, it's unlikely to work for long.
> Which means once you're out of the immediate bind, you're still going to 
> need to free some space, one way or another, and that might not be as 
> simple as the words make it appear.

Yes, adding a temporary disk allowed me to fix it. Though, it wanted to
write RAID1 metadata instead of DUP first, which further confused me.

File system is being written to by a program that watches disk usage and
deletes stuff/stops writing if too much is used. But it could not
anticipate the jump from 20GiB to zero free. I have now set
"metadata_ratio=8" to prevent that, and will lower it if it still
becomes a problem.

Perhaps it would be good to somehow show that "global reserve" belongs
to metadata and show in btrfs fi usage/df that metadata is full if
global reserve>=free metadata, so that future users are not as confused
by this situation as I was.

Martin Raiber

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