I recon it took me about 5 minutes to realise what I'd done, then I
unmounted the volume. I don't think I wrote anything inbetween, but
there were a few applications open at that time, so there might have
been some i/o.

When you say 'by itself', you mean without the '-o 5'?

I've tried that initially, but it run for a few hours with no output
beside the initial 'Superblock...'.  I realized I forgot to redirect
the stdout which I thought that would be a good idea so I restarted it
with '-o 5' (found some advice said that's the thing to do if it was
the root subvolume that was deleted).

Anyway, restarted it without '-o 5', let's see whether it makes any
difference. Is there any indication on how long it should take? Just
roughly, hours, days? I've got about 150GB of data on that partition I
think. Also, is there supposed to be incremental output, or will it be
one big wall of text once it's finished?

As I said, when I tried before there was no output at all for hours,
which seemed a bit strange.

Thanks for your help!

On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 6:47 PM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 5:12 PM, Markus Binsteiner <mak...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It seems I've accidentally deleted all files in my home directory,
>> which sits in its own btrfs partition (lvm on luks). Now I'm trying to
>> find the roots to be able to use btrfs restore later on.
>> btrfs-find-root seems to be taking ages though. I've run it like so:
>> btrfs-find-root /dev/mapper/think--big-home  -o 5 > roots.txt
> Uhh, just do btrfs-find-root by itself to get everything it can find.
> And then work backwards from the most recent generation using btrfs
> restore -t using each root bytenr from btrfs-find-root. The more
> recent the generation, the better your luck that it hasn't been
> overwritten yet; but too recent and your data may not exist in that
> root. It really depends how fast you umounted the volume after
> deleting everything.
> --
> Chris Murphy
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