Hi to everyone here!

Firstly thank you all for this amasing project!

I want to claim "virtual TAG file system" feature to be implemented in BTRFS.

What is it?

It is a feature to simplify use and search data (files) with common tags.

Some tags may be defined as a file attribute, like year of creation&|change
so user can access same file with different (virtual) paths like:

two diff files under ~/vtagfs/root/ :
(firm1/reports/2017/.tags/report - sysfile with all tags for this file)
... and
2017/reports/firm1/report - will be link to second one

also may be set by default automatic lock to edit files with "old year
tag"... and so on...

How it can works.

/etc/vtagfs/ - place for global configs
~/.vtagfs/ - user space for configs

~/vtagfs/ - default or fixed place for data and links
~/vtagfs/.tags/ - place for data used by vtagfs itself
~/vtagfs/root/ - (root is fixed dir for all data operated by users'
vtagfs - to be known by other programs)
~/vtagfs/root/tag1/ - place for data with tag1 (only tag1)
~/vtagfs/root/tag1/.tag - file marker that this dir is used as a tag.
It maybe used to declare
possible sets of tags with this one.

~/vtagfs/root/tag1//tag2/ - place for data with tag1 & tag2
~/vtagfs/tag1/tag2 - slink showed to user
~/vtagfs/tag1/tag3 - slink showed to user
~/vtagfs/tag2/tag1 - slink showed to user
~/vtagfs/tag2/tag3 - slink showed to user
~/vtagfs/tag1/tag2/tag3/ - slink showed to user
Sure, must be something like tagManager to define/operate with tags
used by user.

or/and it can be realized as transparent to user/system requests like mkdir, so
mkdir tag1 inside ~/vtagfs/  will create tag1...
and cp file1 tag1/tag2/tag3/ - will set these tags to file1 ...
      ... and make cp file1 ~/vtagfs/root/tag1/tag2/tag3/ where will
be real place of file, known to system.

Hope this feature will be useful, so thank you all for patience :)

Best regards, and welcome to https://l-in-k.com


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