On 2017-04-07 09:28, John Petrini wrote:
Hi Austin,

Thanks for taking to time to provide all of this great information!
Glad I could help.

You've got me curious about RAID1. If I were to convert the array to
RAID1 could it then sustain a multi drive failure? Or in other words
do I actually end up with mirrored pairs or can a chunk still be
mirrored to any disk in the array? Are there performance implications
to using RAID1 vs RAID10?

For raid10, your data is stored as 2 replicas striped at or below the filesystem-block level across all the disks in the array. Because of how the data striping is done currently, you're functionally guaranteed to lose data if you lose more than one disk in raid10 mode. This theoretically could be improved so that partial losses could be recovered, but doing so with the current implementation would be extremely complicated, and as such is not a high priority (although patches would almost certainly be welcome).

For raid1, your data is stored as 2 replicas with each entirely on one disk, but individual chunks (the higher level allocation in BTRFS) are distributed in a round-robin fashion among the disks, so any given filesystem block is on exactly 2 disks. With the current implementation, for any reasonably utilized filesystem, you will lose data if you lose 2 or more disks in raid1 mode. That said, there are plans (still currently vaporware in favor of getting raid5/6 working) to add arbitrary replication levels to BTRFS, so once that hits, you could set things to have as many replicas as you want.

In effect, both can currently only sustain one disk failure, but losing 2 disks in raid10 will probably corrupt files (currently, it will functionally kill the FS, although with a bit of theoretically simple work this could be changed), while losing 2 disks in raid1 mode will usually just make files disappear unless they are larger than the data chunk size (usually between 1-5GB depending on the size of the FS), so if you're just storing small files, you'll have an easier time quantifying data loss with raid1 than raid10. Both modes have the possibility of completely losing the FS if the lost disks happen to take out the System chunk.

As for performance, raid10 mode in BTRFS gets better performance, but you can get even better performance than that by running BTRFS in raid1 mode on top of 2 LVM or MD raid0 volumes. Such a configuration provides the same effective data safety as BTRFS raid10, but can get anywhere from 5-30% better performance depending on the workload.

If you care about both performance and data safety, I would suggest using BTRFS raid1 mode on top of LVM or MD RAID0 together with having good backups and good monitoring. Statistically speaking, catastrophic hardware failures are rare, and you'll usually have more than enough warning that a device is failing before it actually does, so provided you keep on top of monitoring and replace disks that are showing signs of impending failure as soon as possible, you will be no worse off in terms of data integrity than running ext4 or XFS on top of a LVM or MD RAID10 volume.
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