On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 05:01:02AM +0000, Duncan wrote:
> Marc MERLIN posted on Mon, 01 May 2017 20:23:46 -0700 as excerpted:
> > Also, how is --mode=lowmem being useful?
> FWIW, I just watched your talk that's linked from the wiki, and wondered 
> what you were doing these days as I hadn't seen any posts from you here 
> for awhile.
First, sorry for the late reply. Because you didn't Cc me in the answer,
it went to a different folder where I only saw your replies now.
Off topic, but basically I'm not dead or anything, I have btrfs working
well enough to not mess with it further because I have many other
hobbies :)  that is unless I put a new SAS card in my server, hit some
corruption bugs, and now I'm back spending days fixing the system.

> Well, that you're asking that question confirms you've not been following 
> the list too closely...  Of course that's understandable as people have 
> other stuff to do, but just sayin'.

That's exactly right. I'm subscribed to way too many lists on way too
many topics to be up to date with all, sadly :(

> Of course on-list I'm somewhat known for my arguments propounding the 
> notion that any filesystem that's too big to be practically maintained 
> (including time necessary to restore from backups, should that be 
> necessary for whatever reason) is... too big... and should ideally be 
> broken along logical and functional boundaries into a number of 
> individual smaller filesystems until such point as each one is found to 
> be practically maintainable within a reasonably practical time frame.  
> Don't put all the eggs in one basket, and when the bottom of one of those 
> baskets inevitably falls out, most of your eggs will be safe in other 
> baskets. =:^)
That's a valid point, and in my case, I can back it up/restore, it just
takes a bit of time, but most of the time is manually babysitting all
those subvolumes that I need to recreate by hand with btrfs send/restore
relationships, which all get lost during backup/restore.
This is the most painful part.
What's too big? I've only ever used a filesystem that fits on on a raid
of 4 data drives. That value has increased over time, but I don't have a
a crazy array of 20+ drives as a single filesystem, or anything.
Since drives have gotten bigger, but not that much faster, I use bcache
to make things more acceptable in speed.

> *BUT*, and here's the "go further" part, keep in mind that subvolume-read-
> only is a property, gettable and settable by btrfs property.
> So you should be able to unset the read-only property of a subvolume or 
> snapshot, move it, then if desired, set it again.
> Of course I wouldn't expect send -p to work with such a snapshot, but 
> send -c /might/ still work, I'm not actually sure but I'd consider it 
> worth trying.  (I'd try -p as well, but expect it to fail...)

That's an interesting point, thanks for making it.
In that case, I did have to destroy and recreate the filesystem since
btrfs check --repair was unable to fix it, but knowing how to reparent
read only subvolumes may be handy in the future, thanks.

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Microsoft is to operating systems ....
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